Understand the difference between main and subordinate clauses and that a complex sentence involves at least one subordinate clause
- knowing that complex sentences make connections between ideas, such as: to provide a reason, for example 'He jumped up because the bell rang.'; to state a purpose, for example 'She raced home to confront her brother.'; to express a condition, for example 'It will break if you push it.'; to make a concession, for example 'She went to work even though she was not feeling well.'; to link two ideas in terms of various time relations, for example 'Nero fiddled while Rome burned.' (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- knowing that a complex sentence typically consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- Plus Plan
Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences PowerPoint
A 23 slide editable PowerPoint template which introduces the attributes of simple, compound and complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Posters
Use these posters to show your students the attributes that make up simple, compound and complex sentences.
- Free Plan
Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Sort
Practise reading and identifying simple, compound and complex sentences with this sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Year 5 Editing Passages
Use this set of Year 5 editing passages to help your students demonstrate their spelling, punctuation and grammar knowledge.
- Plus Plan
Types of Sentences Posters
Display a set of types of sentences posters to help your students discover various types of sentences.
- Plus Plan
Independent and Dependent Clauses Worksheet Pack
Introduce the concept of independent and dependent clauses with a set of printable sentence structure worksheets.
- Free Plan
Identifying Dependent Clauses Worksheet
Practise identifying dependent clauses in complex sentences with a dependent clause worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Roll and Write – Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences
An interactive activity to help students practise writing simple, compound and complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Unsinkable Titanic - Editing & Sentence Combining Worksheets
Practise editing and combining simple sentences with our Unsinkable Titanic Weekly Editing & Sentence Combining worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Everyday Grammar Sentence Structure Warm Ups - Upper Years Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 44 slide interactive PowerPoint to use in the upper years classroom when learning about grammar and sentence structure.
- Plus Plan
Types of Sentences Posters - Large Text
A set of 7 posters outlining the structure of various types of sentences.
- Plus Plan
Punctuating Appositives Worksheet Pack
Use this Appositives Worksheet pack to practise using commas to set off restrictive and nonrestrictive appositives.
- Plus Plan
Editing Sentences – Year 5 Worksheets
Download these Year 5 editing worksheets to get your students identifying and fixing errors in sentences.
- Plus Plan
Sentence Saga - Sentence Construction Activity
Teach your students to build a better sentence with Sentence Saga, a printable sentence construction activity for upper primary.
- Plus Plan
Year 5 Dictation Passages PowerPoint
Use this set of Year 5 dictation passages to promote listening and transcription skills in your students.
- Plus Plan
Main Clauses and Subordinate Clauses Poster
A poster explaining main clauses and subordinate clauses.
- Plus Plan
Grammar and Punctuation Tails - Active Learning
An active game that requires students to use their basic grammar and punctuation knowledge.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park: Fresh Start – Project
A project for students to use their literacy skills and creativity to rebrand Five Wonders Theme Park.