Construct suitable data displays, with and without the use of digital technologies, from given or collected data. Include tables, column graphs and picture graphs where one picture can represent many data values
- Plus Plan
Blank Graph Template Pack
Construct your own graphs with a printable set of Blank Graph Templates.
- Plus Plan
Types of Graphs Posters
This colourful and easy-to-digest visual display shows students the varying data displays they will encounter in their primary maths lessons.
- Plus Plan
Graph It! Worksheet (Many-to-One Graphs)
Draw a scaled picture graph and bar graph to represent data with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Data Representation and Interpretation Worksheets - Year 4
4 data representation and interpretation worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Types of Graphs Posters and Worksheets
A collection of posters displaying the different types of graphs along with matching worksheets to assist students with laying out graphs on the page.
- Free Plan
Creating a Graph Using Digital Technologies
A worksheet that supports students when collecting initial data and creating a digital graph.
- Free Plan
Picture Graph Templates
A set of blank picture graph templates for students to represent data.
- Plus Plan
Column / Bar Graph Poster
Hang this column / bar graph poster in your classroom to teach your students about the different parts of this commonly used graph.
- Plus Plan
Year 4 Numeracy Exit Tickets – Worksheets
24 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Free Plan
Data Maths Investigation – Line Up the Coins
A mathematics investigation about data, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Creating Pictographs Worksheet
Use this engaging worksheet to practice creating and reading pictographs.
- Plus Plan
Analysing Graphs (Scaled Intervals) Board Game
Use this board game to sharpen data analysis skills when solving problems with information presented in a scaled picture or column graph.
- Plus Plan
Reading Pictographs - Worksheets
Use this double-sided worksheet to enable students to practise reading and interpreting pictographs.
- Plus Plan
Survey Data Collection Worksheets
A set of worksheets for students to plan survey parameters and tally data.
- Plus Plan
Data Maths Investigation - Which Reward?
A mathematics investigation involving data collection and representation, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Input-Output Tables and Graphing Task Cards
Practise reading input-output tables and plotting points in the first quadrant with this set of task cards.
- Plus Plan
Maths Warm-Ups Interactive PowerPoint – Year 4
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 4 students across the Mathematics curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Pictograph Puzzles
Practise reading and interpreting pictographs with these fun puzzles which require students to match pictographs with other data displays with matching data.
- Plus Plan
Mass Maths Investigation - How Much Do We Throw Away?
A mathematics investigation about measuring mass, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Understanding Pictographs - Task Cards
Use this set of task cards to practise reading and interpreting pictographs and bar graphs
- Plus Plan
Colossal Cinemas: Which Popcorn Popper? – Project
A project that encourages students to use imperial and customary units to measure popcorn poppers and the popcorn they produce.
- Free Plan
Paralympic Medal Tracking Template
Help your students keep track of the medals won during the Paralympics with our easy-to-use Paralympic medal tracker.