Evaluating and reflecting
Based on the Australian Curriculum, Evaluating and reflecting in F-6/7 HASS Year 6 includes:
- ACHASSI132 Reflect on learning to propose personal and/or collective action in response to an issue or challenge, and predict the probable effects
- ACHASSI131 Use criteria to make decisions and judgements and consider advantages and disadvantages of preferring one decision over others
- ACHASSI130 Work in groups to generate responses to issues and challenges
- ACHASSI129 Evaluate evidence to draw conclusions
- Plus Plan
Australia Federates PowerPoint
A 27 slide editable PowerPoint template to use in the classroom when learning about Australian Federation.
- Plus Plan
Life in Australia in the 20th Century PowerPoint
A 33 slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about living, working and social conditions in Australia in the 20th century.
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Classroom Energy Audit Worksheet
An investigation that will have students observing the energy usage in their classroom and proposing action to reduce energy waste.
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The Missing Mona Lisa - Chapter 2: I Saw You!
Now it's time for the Adventure Agents to learn some of the main characters and look at their witness statements. They will have the first pieces of this fun puzzle!
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Australia Becomes a Nation Unit Plan
This Australian History unit covers a range of concepts relating to the establishment of the Australian colonies, Australian Federation and the Australian Constitution.
- Plus Plan
Australia's System of Government Unit Plan
This Civics and Citizenship unit addresses a range of Australian government concepts involving democratic systems, roles and responsibilities of government and the process of making laws.
- Plus Plan
Calling Australia Home Unit Plan
This Australian History unit covers a range of concepts relating to democracy, citizenship and immigration experiences of 20th century Australia.
- Plus Plan
Events That Led to Australian Federation
A 60 minute lesson in which students will examine significant events that led to Australian Federation.
- Plus Plan
Assessment - Calling Australia Home
An assessment task in which students will demonstrate knowledge of Australian democracy and citizenship experiences in the 20th century.
- Plus Plan
Assessment - Australia Becomes a Nation
An assessment task in which students will demonstrate an understanding of Australia's colonisation and Federation.
- Plus Plan
The Missing Mona Lisa – Chapter 3: The Evidence Piles Up!
Chapter 3 introduces the Adventure Agents to the evidence collected so far and requires them to write a newspaper report informing the public that the 'Mona Lisa' has been stolen.
- Plus Plan
How Immigration Shaped Australia
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the experiences of democracy and citizenship for migrant groups in Australia.
- Plus Plan
The Australian Constitution
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the impact of the Australian Constitution on Australian society.
- Plus Plan
The Missing Mona Lisa – Chapter 5: More Questions and Answers
This chapter provides the Adventure Agents with the two remaining police interview transcripts and an extra very important piece of evidence has just been discovered!
- Plus Plan
The Missing Mona Lisa – Chapter 6: Evidence and Opportunity
The Adventure Agents will begin bringing all the information from the witnesses and evidence together to start forming a picture of what happened on the night the Mona Lisa was stolen.
- Plus Plan
Australian Laws
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand why we have laws in Australia.
- Plus Plan
Celebrating Diversity
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the cultural practices of Australian communities.
- Plus Plan
Different Systems of Government
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the different types of government systems.
- Plus Plan
A System of Government
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify reasons why a country needs a system of government.
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Who Came Here?
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the different migrant groups in Australia throughout the 20th century.
- Plus Plan
Our Heritage
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify how immigration policy has shaped Australian society.
- Plus Plan
Australia in the 20th Century
A 60 minute lesson in which students will develop an understanding of social conditions in Australia in the 20th century.
- Plus Plan
The Missing Mona Lisa – Chapter 8: Process of Elimination
It's getting closer now - the Adventure Agents are closing in of the thief. They now need to write a persuasive piece in order to get a warrant. Time is of the essence!
- Plus Plan
The Missing Mona Lisa – Chapter 7: Time for the Truth!
The truth comes out in this chapter and the Adventure Agents are able to start using all the information they have collected over the previous chapters to start eliminating some suspects.