- Free Plan
Label the Ant Diagram Worksheet Pack
Learn about the anatomy of an ant with a printable reading passage and ant labeling worksheets.
- Plus Plan
What Do Living Things Need to Survive? – Worksheet
Practice and review vocabulary associated with basic animal needs with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Inherited versus Learned Behaviours Poster
Explain the difference between inherited and learned behaviours with a set of printable anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Sound Energy Interactive Activity
Reinforce your students' understanding of sound energy concepts with this set of 10 interactive activities.
- Plus Plan
Seasons and Months Posters
Use these four months and the seasons posters to help your students to learn the seasons and their corresponding months.
- Plus Plan
Push or Pull? Interactive Sorting Activity
Explore push and pull forces with your students by playing this interactive sorting game for lower primary students.
- Free Plan
What Needs Soil to Grow? Cut and Paste Worksheet
Teach students what needs soil to grow with this cut-and-paste worksheet for early years students.
- Plus Plan
Grade One Seasons Worksheet
Set this seasons worksheet as a task for your Grade Ones to show their knowledge of the seasons' names and their order.
- Plus Plan
Characteristics of Seasons Interactive Activity
Use this activity-packed interactive resource to explore with your students the names and characteristics of summer, autumn, winter and spring!
- Plus Plan
Classroom Weather Chart for Identifying Environmental Conditions
Use this fun classroom weather chart in your morning meetings to help students visualise the weather and changes in the environment due to the changing seasons.
- Plus Plan
Order of Seasons Task Cards
Use these task cards to allow students to practise ordering images of seasonal changes across the year.
- Free Plan
Seasons in the Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere Poster
Use these posters in the classroom to give students a visual representation of the seasons (and which months they inlcude in both the Northern Hemishpere and the Southern Hemisphere).
- Plus Plan
Wonderful Weather – Foundation and Year 1 Worksheets
Make weather predictions, create a weather report and write about the weather with this set of printable worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Tree Observation Worksheets
Record observations of trees in the local environment with a printable graphic organiser.
- Plus Plan
Plant Journal Observation Worksheets
Observe and record information about plants with a printable plant journal worksheet.
- Free Plan
Parts of A Plant Worksheet
Label the parts of a plant with a printable plant worksheet.
- Plus Plan
How Do Beans Grow? — Mini Greenhouse Template
'Grow' students’ knowledge of plant life cycles with a printable greenhouse template and observation journal.
- Plus Plan
G.R.O.U.P.S - Group Work Expectations Poster
Encourage cooperative behaviour during group work activities with a printable group work mnemonic poster.
- Free Plan
Sun Facts Writing Template
Research, write and display information about the sun with this printable sun template.
- Plus Plan
Types of Weather Bingo
Identify basic weather vocabulary terms such as windy, cloudy, snowy, cold, etc., with an exciting game of Bingo!
- Plus Plan
Weather Journal – Mini-Book
Draw and write about the current weather conditions, record weather data and predict what the following day’s forecast will be with this printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky Bingo
Learn about different objects in the sky with a bingo game!
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky Flipbook
Describe and illustrate different objects found in the sky with this printable science flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky – Interactive Activity
Demonstrate an underestansding of the sun, moon, stars and clouds with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky – Worksheet Pack
Use this set of worksheets to practise identifying and labelling objects in the sky as well as describing the moon, stars, sun and clouds.
- Plus Plan
Day and Night Mini-Book
Learn about the differences between night and day with this printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Natural, Managed, and Human-Made Features Posters
Identify the natural, manmade, and managed features of environments with printable anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Animals and Their Habitats - Sorting Activity
Discover the habitats that are home to Earth’s wildlife with a printable animal habitat sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Garbage Bin Posters - Rubbish, Recycling and Compost
Posters outlining what can be put in the different types of bins.
- Free Plan
The Seasons - Posters
A set of beautifully illustrated posters that depict the seasons and the differences between them.
- Free Plan
Spot the Stretchy Difference – Worksheet
A spot the difference worksheet designed to help students recognise materials that have been stretched.
- Plus Plan
The Nighttime Sky - Worksheet
Explore features of the nighttime sky with this one-page worksheet.