10 Olympics-Inspired Activities for Kids to Celebrate the Games at School

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Updated | 4 min read


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  • Jenny Rowland

    I cannot print the Olympics word wall

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi there Jenny, I'm sorry you can't print this resource. Everything seems to be working okay from our end. Can you just double-check you are using Chrome? If you are and are still having issues, feel free to email us at support@teachstarter.com and we'd be more than happy to help.

  • Jeffrey Douglass

    Hey TeachStarter team. With the Olympics coming round again this year (WHOOO HOO!) could you please update and release a Tokyo 2020 Countdown Poster and inspired borders to match? Would be much appreciated as I'm doing an Olympic themed classroom this year :)

    • Paul (Teach Starter)

      Hi Jeffrey, We are definitely looking to add some general resources related to the games. Keep an eye out for them later in the year, closer to the event.

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