Our lovely friend over @littlemisskindy_ has shared her single letter art and craft she has done so far this year! More to come!
I had to share, I just think they are the cutest images and can see young students absolutely loving creating these gorgeous letter characters.
Create a template for each of these letters and have them printed on coloured paper for your students to cut out and create!
A is for Alligator
D is for Dinosaur
M is for Mouse
T is for Tiger
S is for Snake
I is for Ice cream
N is for Night
G is for Goat
O is for Octopus
P is for Peacock
B is for Bee
F is for Fish
H is for House
V is for Vase
X is for Xylophone
Let us know what art and craft you do for letters and sounds in the early years. We would love to hear from you!
How Lovely is this - such a creative hep to solve a problem for me with some letter confusion. Thank you.
Hi Zuriette, Thanks for taking the time to share your lovely feedback!
I template for these would be great!
Hi Viktoria, thanks for your suggestion. Please feel free to suggest it via the Request a Resource section: https://www.teachstarter.com/request-a-resource/ Your request will be voted on by the community. Each week, our team creates the most popular request. If your request hits the top of the list, we’ll be happy to make it for you!