Teaching parts of speech and ensuring that your students retain knowledge and an understanding of grammar can be an uphill struggle. Are you feeling it?
Look no further, the ultimate parts of speech teaching resource is here!. Our new Parts of Speech Flip Book is all of the following things:
- easy to print and assemble
- simple and effective
- a hands-on interactive learning experience
- reusable
- flexible and adaptable.
For more must have grammar teaching resources, take a look at our Grammar Collection.
Learning Outcomes
It’s shocking to think about how many elements of grammar our little people are expected to know at such a young age.
The good news is that students absorb new information like sponges as long as it’s presented in an engaging and interactive way, logical, taught in context and revisited time and time again.
When expressing and developing ideas, students in year 2 are expected to understand that nouns represent people, places, objects and abstract concepts. What’s more, they are expected to understand that there are three types of nouns: common, proper and pronouns and that phrases can be expanded using adjectives.
This teaching resource helps students learn about the following parts of speech:
- common nouns
- proper nouns
- personal pronouns
- adjectives
- verbs.
Don’ t miss out on our National Literacy Learning Progression Trackers to help you identify where an individual student is now and where the student needs to go next in their literacy development.
How to Create a Parts of Speech Flip Book
It’s easy to create a Parts of Speech Flip Book. Delegate the cutting and gluing part to your students and make this a fun construction activity.
- Print pages 1-4 (one per student or one or two per writing group).
- Cut out the parts of speech definitions (page 4).
- Match the definition to the parts of speech headings (page 2).
- Glue the definitions onto page 2 in the correct boxes.
- Apply glue along the strip marked glue on page 2 and 3.
- Order pages 1-3 correctly and secure pages 1-3 together.
- Cut along the horizontal dotted lines.
Parts of Speech Desk Companion
A Parts of Speech Flip Book is the perfect desk companion and a great learning tool to support writing. The A4 size of this Parts of Speech Flip Book is perfect to stick into the back of a writing book.
Top Tip: When sticking the Parts of Speech Flip Book into exercise books, do not cut the back page.
When your students have created the flip book, encourage them to refer to it and to draw on the information as a prompt and reminder for their writing.
Teaching Grammar in Context
We all know the importance of teaching grammar in context. That’s why we have included a learning opportunity to explore grammar conventions in texts. On page 3 of the Parts of Speech Flip Book, you’ll find an opportunity for your students to record grammatical features that they find in texts that they are reading.
During guided reading groups or literacy rotations, encourage your students, to identify specific grammatical features at word level. Next, discuss how grammar is used to construct a sentence or clause and to make meaning. To take it to the next level, experiment with replacing a verb or adjective and discuss the impact that this has on the overall meaning of the text.
For more brilliant grammar activities and information on the importance of teaching grammar in context, read my blog 20 Grammar Activities to Use in the Classroom.
Parts of Speech Communal Key Rings
I love a useful key ring, especially when parts of speech are involved! How cool is this idea! Create a communal classroom set for students to use and replace on wall hooks.
Provide extra copies of page 2 (cut into strips) and encourage students to add to your class bank of common nouns, proper nouns, personal pronouns, adjectives and verbs.
Parts of Speech Desk Key Rings
Your students will love to keep a parts of speech keyring in their desk for those times when they need a handy reminder. Create the key rings and use them to match your particular grammar focus.
Create a Parts of Speech Display
Go hula hula and create a bohemian classroom display in conjunction with an enlarged copy of our Parts of Speech Flip Book.
I used a hula hoop, feathers and our Rainbow Classroom Theme Pack to put together this eye-catching classroom display. Encourage your students to interact with the display by adding or changing up the words in the hoop as they encounter them in their reading and writing.
For more parts of speech teaching resource, take a look at our Parts of Speech collection.

teaching resource
Parts of Speech Word Cards Sorting Activity
Engage your students with this parts of speech group activity where they sort 112 word cards into categories (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, coordinating conjunctions or prepositions).

teaching resource
Parts of Speech Card Game – Lower Years Classroom Game
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.

teaching resource
Everyday Grammar Parts of Speech Warm Ups - Middle Years Interactive PowerPoint
Review nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs with this 44-slide interactive parts of speech PowerPoint lesson.

teaching resource
Parts of Speech Poster
A poster introducing students to nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and adverbial phrases.
Simple Yet Effective

Some teaching resources are all about the glamour, others are modest in appearance but deliver big results. The ultimate Parts of Speech Flip Book is the latter. It can be used over and over again and in multiple ways. It is super easy to assemble and is the perfect companion to teaching and learning parts of speech.
Press download now, to make the most of this amazing teaching resource.
Is it not 'simple and effective' instead of affective?
Thanks for this picking this up Lucy! Ali