Addition Teaching Resources for Year 1
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Colour by Number Worksheets
Combine math and art with our addition and subtraction colour by number worksheets that feature problems with solutions up to 20.
- Plus Plan
Single Digit Addition and Subtraction Worksheets
Share these single digit addition and subtraction worksheets with your foundation students to give them practice adding and subtracting with a wide variety of representations.
- Plus Plan
Double-Digit Addition Strategies Posters
Remind your students to use different addition strategies with a set of printable two-digit addition strategies.
- Plus Plan
Addition Fact Maths Drills & Progress Trackers
Assess and track addition fact fluency with a printable Number Fact Fluency pack.
- Plus Plan
Roll, Add and Colour - Easter Basket
A fun roll, add and colour sheet featuring an Easter basket.
- Plus Plan
Roll, Add and Colour - Easter Bilby
A fun roll, add and colour sheet featuring an Easter bilby.
- Free Plan
Addition Strategies Cheat Sheet
Help students understand the different addition strategies with this helpful cheat sheet.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit Number of the Day Warm-Up PowerPoint
Review various 2-digit maths concepts with a Number of the Day slide deck and recording sheet.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy Addition Worksheet Pack
Practise using the jump strategy with this worksheet set.
- Free Plan
Doubles Facts - Doubling Numbers Addition Rhyme Posters
Help your students remember their doubles facts to twenty with a set of printable double facts addition rhyme posters.
- Plus Plan
Ten Frame Printable Templates
Use these printable ten frames in various math lessons to reinforce number sense and other essential skills.
- Plus Plan
Simple Addition Riddle Worksheet
Download this simple addition worksheet to provide your students with practice adding one- and two-digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Simple Addition and Subtraction Questions
Use this versatile worksheet with your students when exploring early addition and subtraction number sentences.
- Plus Plan
Secret Code Number Line - Worksheet
Crack the number line code with five number line codebreaker worksheets to practice number identification, addition, and subtraction.
- Plus Plan
Tens Frame - Addition and Subtraction Match-Up Activity
Build addition and subtraction skills with two tens frame matching games.
- Plus Plan
Part-Part-Whole Addition and Subtraction Worksheets
Reinforce your students' understanding of how a bar model is used to solve 1-digit addition and subtraction number facts using the part-part-whole strategy.
- Plus Plan
Maths Mazes (Friends of Ten)
A set of friends of ten mazes where students find missing addends to solve the maze.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Houses Worksheet Pack
Use these fact family houses worksheet set to practise addition and subtraction fact families with your students.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy Addition Interactive Activity
Practise using the addition jump strategy with this fun interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Pizza Maths Fact Fluency Trackers
Motivate and inspire students to learn their maths facts with printable maths fact fluency trackers.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Word Problems - Match Game
Practise reading, modelling, and solving addition and subtraction word problems with a matching activity.
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategies: Make a Ten Worksheet
A 2-page worksheet that uses ten frames to model the “making ten” addition strategy.
- Free Plan
Missing Addends to 10 – Flashcards
Practise all the ways to make ten with this set of flashcards.
- Plus Plan
One More, One Less - Worksheet
Practise foundational addition and subtraction facts using the concepts of one more and one less.
- Plus Plan
Double Bubble - Doubling Game
A fun, interactive maths game for students to play when doubling numbers from 1 to 12.
- Plus Plan
Part-Part-Whole - Addition and Subtraction Teaching Presentation
Teach your students how to effectively use a bar model to solve 1-digit addition and subtraction number facts using the part-part-whole strategy.
- Plus Plan
Friends of 10 Addition Poster Bundle
Print the ultimate Friends of 10 poster bundle with 10 printable classroom posters designed to show students how different combinations of numbers connect to make the same number.
- Plus Plan
Bunny Number Lines - Addition and Subtraction Task Cards
Hop like a bunny to practise addition and subtraction on a number line.
- Plus Plan
Counting On – Word Problems
Extend students with this counting on word problem worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Numbers Worksheet
A worksheet using rainbow numbers.
- Free Plan
Place Value to the Thousands Place - Maths Mats
Practise place value concepts, addition and subtraction with a printable set of place value charts.
- Plus Plan
Partitioning Teaching Presentation
Introduce the partitioning strategy to your students with this teaching presentation.