Chemical Sciences Teaching Resources for Year 7
- Plus Plan
Removing Heat – Ice Cream in a Bag Experiment
Make Ice Cream in a Bag and discover how removing heat causes matter to change states.
- Free Plan
Mixtures Worksheet
Practise identifying mixtures and their components with a printable Mixtures Worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Colour the Periodic Table - Worksheet and Poster
Colour the periodic table with a printable colour-coding worksheet.
- Free Plan
States of Matter Word Wall Vocabulary
Review vocabulary related to matter with a printable illustrated States of Matter Word Wall.
- Free Plan
Mixtures and Solutions Worksheet
Identify the differences between a solution and a mixture with a printable Mixtures and Solutions worksheet for year 7.
- Plus Plan
Mixtures and Solutions Worksheet Pack - Vocabulary Review
A vocabulary matching task relating to pure substances and mixtures.
- Plus Plan
Techniques for Separating Mixtures Worksheet Pack
Explore the concept of separating mixtures with this worksheet pack for upper primary.
- Plus Plan
Mixture or Solution? – Cut & Paste Worksheet
Categorise substances according to if they are a mixture or a solution with this cut-and-paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Observing Chemical Reactions Experiment for Kids
Investigates chemical changes and the law of conservation of mass with our Observing Chemical Reactions Experiments.
- Free Plan
Mixture Separation Techniques Worksheet - Cut and Paste
Review the six techniques for mixture separation with a printable Separating Mixtures Vocabulary Worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Chemical Elements and Compounds Matching Activity
Match chemical symbols and formulas with their corresponding elements and compounds with a printable Chemical Elements Matching Game.
- Plus Plan
Solutions and Mixtures - Science PowerPoint
Explore solutions and mixtures with an engaging Classifying Matter Teaching Slide Deck.
- Plus Plan
Pure Substances and Mixtures Science PowerPoint
Teach a chemistry unit on pure substances, mixtures and techniques for separating mixtures with an engaging interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Mixture vs Solution Anchor Chart Pack
Display information about mixtures and solutions with this set of science posters.
- Free Plan
Mixtures & Solutions – Vocabulary Cards
Reinforce science vocabulary in your classroom with this set of word wall cards that focus on mixtures and solutions.
- Plus Plan
Mixtures and Solutions Investigation Station Cards
Determine if a combination of ingredients makes a mixture or solution during your science centers with this set of station cards.
- Plus Plan
Mixtures and Solutions Sorting Activity
Distinguish between mixtures and solutions with this 24-card sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Separation Techniques – Separating Mixtures Posters
Identify common methods for separation of mixtures with our Separation Techniques Chemistry posters.
- Plus Plan
Materials Poster
A poster showing the definition and an example of materials.