Civics Teaching Resources for Year 6
- Plus Plan
Australia's Three Levels of Government - Triarama Activity
Explore the roles and responsibilities of Australia's three levels of government with this hands-on learning task.
- Plus Plan
Australia's System of Government - PowerPoint
A 28 slide editable PowerPoint presnetation to use in the classroom when learning about Australia's system of government.
- Plus Plan
Australian Local Government - Scenario Cards
Explore the roles and responsibilities of local governments in Australia with this set of ‘True or False?’ scenario cards.
- Plus Plan
How to be a Good Citizen - Problem Solving Activity
Build good citizenship behaviors and enhance problem-solving skills with a task card writing activity.
- Plus Plan
Bills and Laws in Australia Teaching Slides
Discover how bills become Australian law with this comprehensive teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Australian Citizenship and Democracy - Teaching Slides
Explore what it means to be an Australian citizen with this in-depth teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
The Australian Aboriginal Flag Poster and Worksheet
Print this Australian Aboriginal Flag poster and worksheet for your classroom.
- Plus Plan
The Bill Process: Making a Law - Infographic Poster
An infographic poster to display in the classroom showing the steps of the bill process.
- Plus Plan
Class Election Templates
Use this set of posters, interview questions and a class ballot to use in a mock election or class election.
- Plus Plan
Local Government Australia - Teaching Slides
Explore the ins and outs of local government in Australia with this in-depth set of teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
The History of Australia's Parliamentary System - Comprehension Worksheets
Explore the ins and outs of Australia’s parliamentary history with this reading comprehension activity.
- Free Plan
Federal, State or Local Government? - Worksheet
Familiarise your students with the duties of local, state and federal governments in Australia with this sorting worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Making Australian Laws PowerPoint
A 15 slide PowerPoint Presentation outlining how laws are made in Australia.
- Free Plan
Three Levels of Australian Government - Poster
Review the three levels of government in Australia with this handy classroom poster.
- Plus Plan
Significant Australian Flags
A set of 4 significant Australian flags with explanations.
- Plus Plan
Bills and Laws in Australia – Word Wall
Learn vocabulary related to bills and laws in Australia with this set of 16 word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
Developing and Introducing Bills – Comprehension Worksheets
Explore how bills are introduced and developed through the parliamentary process with this differentiated reading comprehension activity.
- Free Plan
The Australian Citizenship Pledge - Cloze Worksheet
Familiarise your students with the Australian citizenship pledge with this cloze passage worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Australian Local Government - Class Election Templates
Explore the roles and responsibilities of local governments in Australia with a mock local council election.
- Plus Plan
History and Features of Australia's Parliamentary System - Mini-Book
Discover the history and features of Australia’s parliamentary system with this informative printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
History and Features of Australia’s Parliamentary System - Teaching Slides
Explore the ins and outs of Australia’s parliamentary history with this comprehensive set of teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
History and Features of Australia’s Parliamentary System - Interactive Activity
Learn key vocabulary terms related to the history and features of Australia’s parliamentary system with this digital ‘mystery picture’ activity.
- Plus Plan
Responsibilities of Australian Local Governments - Cloze Worksheet
Explore the roles and responsibilities of local governments around Australia with this differentiated cloze passage worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Australia's Levels of Government - Workbook
Learn the duties and leaders of the national, state, and local levels of government with a printable government workbook.
- Plus Plan
Anzac Day Symbols Poster Set
Learn about the different symbols of Anzac Day with this poster set.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Template
Research and complete this Inspirational Woman Profile template during International Women’s Day.
- Free Plan
Forms of Government – Flashcards and Sorting Activity
A set of flashcards for students to review the various forms of government and sort them into categories.
- Plus Plan
Australian Symbols Activity Worksheet
Teach about Australian symbols with this worksheets for primary students.
- Plus Plan
The Australian Flag Poster and Worksheet
A poster and worksheet of the Australian Flag.
- Plus Plan
Systems of Government - Inquiry Task
Research different systems of government around the world with this inquiry-based project.
- Free Plan
The Path of a Bill - Worksheet
Demonstrate understanding of the path of a bill in Australia with this one-page printable worksheet.
- Plus Plan
The Senate Infographic Poster
A poster to display in the classroom explaining the structure of the Senate.