Colonisation Teaching Resources
Teaching about the British colonisation of Australia in your primary school history lessons? Explore printable worksheets, slide decks, timelines and more teaching resources designed by teachers for teachers like you.
Aligned to the Australian curriculum, this history collection of teaching resources includes printable and digital activities designed to explain when Australia was colonised and the impacts this had on the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people.
New to teaching this portion of the Australian history curriculum? Read on for a primer from our teacher team about the British Empire's arrival in Australia, colonising efforts and impacts and more.
What Is Colonisation? A Kid-Friendly Definition
Wondering how to define colonisation for your students? Let's start with a kid-friendly definition from our teaching team.
Colonisation is what happenes when people from one country travel to another place and take control of it.
This happened in Australia when Europeans — mainly British citizens — came and settled here. They built towns, claimed the land of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as their own and changed the way things were done. This affected the lives of the Aboriginal people who already lived here, and it led to many changes in the land, laws and culture of Australia.
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A British Penal Colony - Teaching Slides
A 25 slide editable PowerPoint presentation to use when teaching students about the British colonisation of Australia.
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The Establishment of Australia's Colonies PowerPoint
A 32 slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about the establishment of British colonies in Australia.
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Colonisation to Federation – Australian History Timeline
A 4 page timeline to display in the classroom when learning about the history of Australia.
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Impacts of Colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples Posters
Posters highlighting the main impacts of colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
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Timeline of James Cook's First Voyage on the Endeavour
A historical timeline to display in the classroom when learning about James Cook's voyage to Australia.
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Problems in the Australian Colonies PowerPoint
A 19 slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about the problems that took place in the colonies of Australia.
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British Colonisation of Australia - Early Struggles in the New Colony Poster
A poster to display in the classroom when teaching about the British Colonisation of Australia.
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Captain James Cook and the Endeavour — Teaching Slides
Discover the journey of Captain James Cook on the HMS Endeavour with your students with this teaching presentation.
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Significant Individuals During Colonisation/Invasion Poster Set
Explore this collection of 9 posters with your Grade 4 HASS students, when learning about impactful persons during the period of colonisation, or invasion, in Australia.
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Land Rights Teacher Information Sheet
Wingaru Education has put together a timeline of Aboriginal land rights events. From the time of Cook’s intrusive exploration and the subsequent invasion by the First Fleet, land has been taken from Aboriginal People against their will. There are a number of ways to delve into this topic with your class.
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Colonial Australia - History Word Wall Vocabulary
36 vocabulary cards to use in the classroom when learning about Colonial Australia.
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British Colonies in Australia - History Word Wall Vocabulary
45 British Colonisation in Australia related vocabulary cards.
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Why Teach an Aboriginal Perspective About Cook's Landing in Australia? Poster
An educational poster providing a rationale for teaching an Aboriginal perspective of Cook's landing in Australia.
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NAIDOC Week Land Rights Teaching Resource Pack
Wingaru Education has put together a timeline of Aboriginal land rights events. From the time of Cook’s intrusive exploration and the subsequent invasion by the First Fleet, land has been taken from Aboriginal People against their will. There are a number of ways to delve into this topic with your class.
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Australia Becomes a Nation Unit Plan
This Australian History unit covers a range of concepts relating to the establishment of the Australian colonies, Australian Federation and the Australian Constitution.
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The Establishment of Australia's Colonies
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the unique characteristics and history of the six colonies of Australia.
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Impact of Colonisation on Australia's First Peoples
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the impact a British colony had on the First Nations people of Australia.
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The Six Colonies of Australia
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the establishment of the six colonies of Australia.
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An Expanding Colony
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the struggles of the early colony and the reasons for expansion.
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Problems in the Australian Colonies
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify some of the problems in the colonies leading up to Federation.