Friction Teaching Resources for Year 4
- Plus Plan
The Force of Friction Comprehension Worksheets
Download this friction worksheet to teach your Year 4 students about the force of friction and its impact on our daily lives.
- Plus Plan
High or Low Friction? Interactive Peg Cards
Explore high and low friction examples with your students using this set of 24 digital peg cards.
- Plus Plan
Friction Experiment – Sticky Friction
Use this engaging friction experiment when teaching your students about sliding friction and the effect it has on the movement of objects.
- Plus Plan
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Knowledge of Physical Sciences – Teaching Slides
Teach your students about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' knowledge of forces with this comprehensive and age-appropriate teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Air Resistance Force Investigation
Use this engaging air resistance force experiment when teaching your students about air friction and the effect it has on the effectiveness of a parachute.
- Plus Plan
Friction Poster
Show students frictional force examples using this friction poster perfect for Year 4 science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Friction Word Wall Vocabulary Cards
Immerse your students in friction vocabulary with this set of 15 illustrated vocabulary cards perfect for a word wall display.
- Plus Plan
All About Friction Mini-Book
Teach your students about the force of friction with this printable mini-book perfect for Year 4 science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion Task Cards
Use these force and motion task cards as a student review activity in your Year 4 science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion Bingo
Play a forces and motion game with your students to reinforce key subject-specific vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion Vocabulary Worksheets
Use these force and motion vocabulary worksheets to teach your students the subject-specific vocabulary related to forces and motion.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion Sorting Activity
Show students force and motion examples with this force and motion sorting activity for elementary school science lessons.
- Plus Plan
The Force of Friction Teaching Slides
Teach your students facts about friction with this comprehensive and age-appropriate teaching presentation for primary school science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Forces Assessment
Assess students' understanding of contact and non-contact forces with this forces assessment for Year 4 students.
- Plus Plan
Which Force Is That? Worksheet
Use this forces worksheet to teach your Year 4 students about the common forces of friction, buoyancy and gravity.