HASS Projects for Teachers
- Plus Plan
Design a Harmony Day Shirt
Guide students in designing their own Harmony Day shirt to celebrate diversity and inclusion.
- Plus Plan
Design a Harmony Day Logo Project
Design a Harmony Day logo with your students using our inquiry-based learning project.
- Plus Plan
Human Impact on the Environment-Research Project
Uncover how humans positively and negatively impact the different biomes around the world with a guided research project.
- Plus Plan
Australia's First Peoples Inquiry Task
An inquiry-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of the connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Country.
- Plus Plan
Challenging Female Gender Stereotypes Inquiry Task
An inquiry task to use in the classroom when learning about inspirational contemporary women.
- Free Plan
Gold Miners' Bulletin Project
A creative writing newspaper project in which students design and write the front page of an imagined newspaper from the Australian Gold Rush era.
- Plus Plan
First Fleet - Inquiry Task
An inquiry-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of the people impacted by the First Fleet.
- Plus Plan
Australian Habitat Preservation – Inquiry-Based Project
Use this habitat preservation project to teach your students about how to help conserve a threatened Australian environment for future generations.
- Plus Plan
Australian Gold Rush: Living Wax Museum – Project
An inquiry project in which students research personalities from the Australian Gold Rush and portray them as part of a Living Wax Museum.
- Plus Plan
Systems of Government - Inquiry Task
Research different systems of government around the world with this inquiry-based project.
- Free Plan
National Tree Day Activity Pack
Celebrating National Tree Day with a pack of exciting activities!
- Plus Plan
Oil Spill!- Science Lab Activity on Water Pollution
Investigate a man-made natural disaster and discover the effects of oil spills on wildlife with a hands-on lab activity on water pollution!
- Plus Plan
Acclimatised Civilisations – Inquiry Project
Research a civilisation and how it adapted to its environment and landscape through a student-led inquiry task.
- Plus Plan
Celebrating Inspirational Women Inquiry Task
An inquiry task to use in the classroom when learning about inspirational contemporary women.
- Free Plan
Significant First Nations Australians - Inquiry Task
An inquiry research task to use in the classroom during NAIDOC Week.
- Plus Plan
The Natural Environment of South America — Inquiry Task
An inquiry task focusing on the natural environment of the Amazon rainforest in South America.
- Free Plan
Early Explorers - Inquiry Task
An inquiry-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of early explorers and the impacts they had on other societies.
- Free Plan
Develop a Habitat - Garden Project
A project-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how habitats can be preserved and protected in and around where people live.
- Plus Plan
Design a Conservation T-Shirt – Inquiry-Based Project
Use this conservation project to teach your students about how to ignite positive change in the face of a global environmental crisis.
- Plus Plan
The Natural Environment of Africa - Inquiry Task
An inquiry task focusing on the natural environment of the grasslands of Africa.
- Plus Plan
Celebrations Around The World Inquiry Task
A four page inquiry task, assessing students' knowledge of cultural celebrations from around the world.
- Plus Plan
Survival Tips Inquiry Task
An inquiry-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how vegetation is used across Australia by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in a variety of different ways.
- Plus Plan
Waste Management Investigation - How Much Waste Do We Throw Away?
A practical investigation related to sustainable waste management.
- Plus Plan
King Charles III Coronation News Article Project
Become a journalist and report on King Charles III Coronation.
- Plus Plan
The Coronation Emblem Research Project
Research the meaning behind the Coronation Emblem and then design your very own.
- Plus Plan
Student Lunch Box Audit - Reducing Waste Project
An investigation that will have students calculating the waste produced from their lunch boxes, creating a plan of action to reduce their waste and reflecting on their results.
- Plus Plan
National Tree Day – The Green Bridge – A Science Investigation
A science investigation embedded in a real-world context, where students design a habitat to meet the needs of specific animals.
- Plus Plan
Countries and Their Cultural Contributions – Worksheet
An activity for students to research the cultural contributions from countries around the world.