Historical Figures Teaching Resources
Expand your students' knowledge of famous historical figures from Australian history and from around the world with biographical teaching resources created by teachers for teachers.
Explore the real-life experiences of politicians, inventors, social activism leaders, explorers, and other famous people from history with writing activities about influential figures, biographical worksheets, constructed responses, crossword puzzles and more explorations into the lives of some of history's best-known figures.
Is this your first year incorporating historical figures into a lesson plan? Or maybe you're just looking for a refresher? Take a peek at a primer from our teacher team, including a list of some of the many important historical figures featured in this collection.
Why Is It Important to Learn About Historical Figures?
When students learn about the various historical figures who have made a mark in the nation's and world's history, they develop a better understanding of the relationships between individual people and society as a whole.
Learning about famous people from throughout history also helps our students connect to the past as they look at history through the lens of real-life experiences.
Famous Historical Figures in This Collection
This collection of teaching resources includes activities, instructional slide decks, and more educational resources to help students learn about important figures from the colonisation era to more modern times, including:
- Alfred Deakin
- Edmund Barton
- Peter Lalor
- Louise Mack
- Edward Hargraves
- James Cook
- Cathy Freeman
- Abel Tasman
- And many, many more
- Plus Plan
Key Figures in Australian Federation Fact Sheets
A set of six fact sheets to use in the classroom for investigating key figures in Australian Federation.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Template
Research and complete this Inspirational Woman Profile template during International Women’s Day.
- Free Plan
Free Wanted Poster Template Pack
Use a 'Wanted' poster template pack to encourage your students to research and write about historic figures and more!
- Plus Plan
Captain James Cook and the Endeavour — Teaching Slides
Discover the journey of Captain James Cook on the HMS Endeavour with your students with this teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Famous Scientists Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Introduce your students to the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur and Jonas Salk with a comparative reading passage and comprehension questions.
- Plus Plan
Significant Explorers of Australia - Captain James Cook
A poster to display in the classroom when learning about Captain James Cook.
- Plus Plan
Innovative Inventors - Year 4 Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Meet famous inventors in history with this informational text and comprehension questions activity
- Plus Plan
Significant Individuals During Colonisation/Invasion Poster Set
Explore this collection of 9 posters with your Grade 4 HASS students, when learning about impactful persons during the period of colonisation, or invasion, in Australia.
- Plus Plan
Early Explorer Profiles - Abel Tasman, James Cook and Willem Janszoon
Three individual posters showing the expeditions of Abel Tasman, James Cook and Willem Janszoon.
- Plus Plan
Captain Cook Word Wall
A vocabulary word wall to display and use in the classroom when learning about the explorations of Captain James Cook.
- Plus Plan
Famous Women in History – Female Inventors Teaching Presentation
Teach about the most influential female inventors in history with this 15-slide PowerPoint.
- Plus Plan
Influential Women — Female Scientists and Mathematicians Teaching Slides
Teach students about brilliant female scientists and mathematicians with this 14-slide teaching deck.
- Plus Plan
Significant First Nations Australians – Fact Sheets
A set of 12 fact sheets about significant First Nations Australians, with an accompanying worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Famous Australian Federators - Venn Diagram
A Venn Diagram to use in the classroom when exploring significant people who contributed to Australian Federation.
- Plus Plan
Sir Edmund Barton Profile
A profile of Australia's first Prime Minister.
- Plus Plan
Influential Australian Inventors Instagram Profile Templates
Demonstrate learning about the most influential Australian innovators in history with an engaging social media biography template.
- Plus Plan
Famous Female Athletes - Cathy Freeman Activity Pack
Learn about the life and contributions of Cathy Freeman with a comprehensive pack of inspirational women worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Famous Female Scientists - Marie Curie Activity Pack
Learn about the life and contributions of Marie Curie with a comprehensive pack of inspirational women worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Louise Mack Activity Pack
Learn about the life and contributions of Louise Mack with a comprehensive pack of inspirational women worksheets.
- Plus Plan
International Women's Day Trivia PowerPoint
Engage students in learning about inspirational women around the world with this International Women’s Day trivia game.
- Plus Plan
Australian Hero Triorama Project
Identify and encourage research into notable Austrailian heroes with a triarama project.
- Plus Plan
Famous Inventors Poster Project - Biography Pennant Banners
Demonstrate learning about the most influential inventors and innovators in history with a fun pennant banner template.
- Plus Plan
Famous Scientists and Inventors - Teaching Slide Deck
Introduce your students to the groundbreaking innovations of five famous scientists and inventors with an interactive and animated teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Who Was Marie Maynard Daly? Women in History Activity Pack
Learn about the life and contributions of Marie Maynard Daly with a comprehensive pack of inspirational women worksheets.
- Plus Plan
International Women's Day - Influential Women Worksheet
Identify six different inspirational women in history using this cut and paste worksheet for Internatioanal Women’s Day.
- Free Plan
Significant Women of Australia's Colonisation Fact Sheets
4 profile posters to display and use in the classroom when learning about significant women in Australia.
- Plus Plan
Australian Inventors Who Changed the World PowerPoint
Introduce your students to the most influential Australian innovators in history with an engaging PowerPoint presentation.
- Plus Plan
Australian Inventors Mini Anchor Charts
Learn about inventions that changed the world with a set of mini-classroom posters.
- Plus Plan
Bill Gates - Famous Inventors Comprehension Pack
Demonstrate comprehension and understanding of informational text with a Bill Gates Biography and questions.
- Plus Plan
Significant Australian Individuals - 1800s to early 1900s
A set of posters highlighting the achievements of some of the most well-known Australians from the late 1800s and early 1900s.
- Plus Plan
Henry Ford Mini Book - Famous Inventor Activity Book
Provide students with cross-curricular history, science and reading instruction with a printable Henry Ford mini book.
- Plus Plan
Amazing Innovators Note-Taking Organiser
Record and remember key facts and details about famous inventors with a printable graphic organiser.