History Teaching Resources for Year 3
- Plus Plan
Harmony Day Assembly PowerPoint
Teach about the significance of Harmony Day with this 10-slide teaching PowerPoint .
- Plus Plan
Harmony Day Multiple Choice Quiz – PowerPoint
An interactive multiple choice quiz to prompt thoughtful discussion about Australia’s cultural diversity on Harmony Day.
- Plus Plan
An Introduction to Aboriginal Art PowerPoint
A 54 slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about Aboriginal art.
- Plus Plan
Harmony Day Word Search – Upper
Words related to Harmony Day in a word search.
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Timeline of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People 66 000 BCE to 1788 CE - Banner
A four-page timeline of the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people between 66 000 BCE and 1788 CE.
- Plus Plan
States and Territories of Australia PowerPoint
Explore Australia's six states and two territories with this 27-slide editable teaching presentation.
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The Meaning of Harmony Day and/or Week Template
A template to use to encourage your students to discuss what Harmony Day/Week means to them.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Template
Research and complete this Inspirational Woman Profile template during International Women’s Day.
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The Australian Aboriginal Flag Poster and Worksheet
Print this Australian Aboriginal Flag poster and worksheet for your classroom.
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Free Wanted Poster Template Pack
Use a 'Wanted' poster template pack to encourage your students to research and write about historic figures and more!
- Plus Plan
Soldier Silhouette Art Templates
Use this craft template when creating Anzac Day or Remembrance Day inspired solider artworks.
- Plus Plan
The Story of Gulaga - Comprehension and Activity Worksheet
A comprehension and linked activity based on an Aboriginal Dreaming Story.
- Free Plan
Acknowledgement of Country Poster
A simple Acknowledgement of Country poster to display in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Harmony Day Display Banner
A colourful display banner to hang in your classroom on Harmony Day, or during Harmony Week.
- Plus Plan
Blank Timeline Template
A blank editable timeline template to use as a recording worksheet in history lessons.
- Plus Plan
From Trade to Currency Comic – Template
A comic strip activity that explores how people progressed from trade to currency.
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Biography Timeline Template
Download this biography timeline template to help students organise key life events for a person's biography with a clear, structured format.
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The Torres Strait Islander Flag - Poster and Worksheet
A poster and worksheet of the Torres Strait Islander flag.
- Plus Plan
Flags of Australia – Art Activity
A creative art activity to use when commemorating important events such as Australia Day, Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week.
- Plus Plan
Our Home, Australia: Teaching Presentation
Familiarise your students with the six states and two territories of Australia with this informative teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Why Teach About Bush Tucker? Poster
An educational poster providing a rationale for teaching Australian children about bush tucker.
- Plus Plan
Self Portrait Worksheet
A worksheet to use as a Harmony Day resource for all grades.
- Free Plan
I Am Sorry – Poem and Discussion Questions
A poem to promote thoughtful discussion around issues of reconciliation on National Sorry Day.
- Plus Plan
Anzac Day Assembly PowerPoint
A 10-slide editable PowerPoint template that provides an overview of Anzac Day.
- Plus Plan
Harmony Day Multiple Choice Quiz
Six multiple choice quiz questions to prompt thoughtful discussion about Australia's cultural diversity on Harmony Day.
- Plus Plan
Early Explorer Profiles - Abel Tasman, James Cook and Willem Janszoon
Three individual posters showing the expeditions of Abel Tasman, James Cook and Willem Janszoon.
- Plus Plan
How to Write an Inquiry Question Poster
A poster demonstrating the steps involved in formulating a question for inquiry-based learning.
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The Egyptian Pyramids - Comprehension Task
A 2 page comprehension task for students to use in the classroom when learning about the Egyptian pyramids.
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Poppy Craft - Anzac Day Art Template
Create unique Remembrance Day poppy crafts with a printable roll-a-design poppy art activity.
- Plus Plan
My Personal Timeline - Project Template
Apply knowledge of chronological order while students create a personal timeline highlighting important milestones.
- Plus Plan
Anzac Day Flip Book Template
Learn about the importance of Anzac Day with this engaging flipbook template.
- Free Plan
Women's History Month Word Wall
Celebrate important terms, events and people in women’s history with this set of 32 vocabulary cards for your classroom word wall.