History Teaching Resources for Year 7
- Plus Plan
Women In World War One Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Read to learn about women in World War I with a printable reading passage and comprehension worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Red Poppy Template
Use a paper poppy craft template to make a poppy for Anzac Day and Remembrance Day.
- Plus Plan
Self Portrait Worksheet
A worksheet to use as a Harmony Day resource for all grades.
- Free Plan
Printable Remembrance Day Word Wall Vocabulary
Display and discuss Remembrance Day related vocabulary words with a printable Remembrance Day display.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension – History of Flight Reading Worksheets
Read and learn about innovations in aviation with a printable reading comprehension activity.
- Plus Plan
Groups I Belong To Worksheet
A worksheet to use as a Harmony Day resource for all grades.
- Plus Plan
Harmony Day Badge Worksheet
A worksheet to use as a Harmony Day resource for all grades.
- Plus Plan
Ode of Remembrance Classroom Poster
Print a copy of the Ode of Remembrance designed as a classroom poster for Anzac Day and Remembrance Day.
- Plus Plan
World War One Timeline Poster
A timeline poster of the main events from World War One.
- Plus Plan
Captain's Log Title Page - Ship
An outline of a ship to use as a title page during history lessons.
- Plus Plan
History Timeline Template
2 templates of a timeline to use during history lessons.
- Free Plan
Australia Day Fact Sheet
A fact sheet covering important facts and traditions of Australia Day.
- Plus Plan
World War One Maps
A set of maps to use in the classroom when learning about WW1.
- Plus Plan
Significant Australian Individuals - 1800s to early 1900s
A set of posters highlighting the achievements of some of the most well-known Australians from the late 1800s and early 1900s.
- Plus Plan
HASS Display Banner
A classroom display banner to use on your 'HASS' display board.
- Plus Plan
Australia Becomes a Nation Banner
Australia Becomes a Nation banner.
- Plus Plan
Diwali Poster - Information
A poster with information about Diwali.
- Plus Plan
Harmony Day Word Jumble Worksheet
A worksheet to use as a Harmony Day resource for all grades.
- Plus Plan
Identifying Respect Worksheet
A worksheet to use for all grades.
- Plus Plan
Ancient Rome - PowerPoint Template
An Ancient Rome themed PowerPoint Template to add some colour and design to your classroom PowerPoint presentations.
- Plus Plan
World War One Word Wall Vocabulary
A set of World War One related vocabulary word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
New Zealand History Timeline
A poster highlighting some of the major events in New Zealand's history.
- Free Plan
Diwali Word Wall Vocabulary
Use these twenty-seven Diwali-related vocabulary cards for a word wall display when learning about the Festival of Lights.
- Free Plan
Inventions Word Wall Vocabulary
Print a set of vocabulary word wall cards to introduce Invention and Innovation concepts to your students during National Science Week.
- Plus Plan
Famous Scientists and Inventors - Teaching Slide Deck
Introduce your students to the groundbreaking innovations of five famous scientists and inventors with an interactive and animated teaching slide deck.
- Free Plan
Ancient Egypt Word Wall Vocabulary
Download a printable set of 36 Ancient Egypt-themed vocabulary word wall cards for your classroom
- Plus Plan
"Talk Like a Pirate" Dictionary and Glossary
Learn how to "Talk Like a Pirate" with this pirate dictionary and glossary.
- Plus Plan
Pirate Ship - Writing Template
A printable pirate themed writing template to use in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Pirate Themed Mini Story Book Template
Students can use this template to create their own pirate themed mini story book.
- Plus Plan
Roman Soldier with Labels Worksheet
An ancient Roman soldier poster with accompanying vocabulary label and colouring in worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Victorian Era - What Was It Like Being A Child? Worksheet
Victorian Era - What was it like being a child worksheet for your students to complete.
- Plus Plan
Gallipoli Poster
A Gallipoli poster to display in the classroom.