Science Experiments Projects for Teachers
- Plus Plan
Heat Conductors Science Experiment (Feel the Heat)
Investigate heat conductors with your students using this engaging science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Friction Experiment – Sticky Friction
Use this engaging friction experiment when teaching your students about sliding friction and the effect it has on the movement of objects.
- Plus Plan
Heat Insulators Science Experiment (Keeping Out the Heat)
Investigate heat insulators with your students using this engaging science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Matter Experiment – Will All Liquids Freeze?
Investigates whether all liquids will change states when heat is removed with an engaging Matter Experiment.
- Plus Plan
Arctic Animal Adaptations- Blubber Me! Experiment
Explore the structural adaptation of blubber with an Arctic Animal Adaptation experiment.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Line Up the Light!
A science experiment which explores how light travels.
- Plus Plan
Changing Matter Experiment – How Long Will It Take to Melt?
Explore how solids change into liquids with an exciting hands-on Matter science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Matter States and Changes Science Lab Activity Pack
Discover the states and changes of matter with a printable pack of Science Lab Activities for Kids!
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Changing Shadows
Explore how shadows change throughout the day with this hands-on science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Evaporation Experiment - Cover to Conserve
Investigate if evaporation can be reduced by covering a body of water with a hands on Evaporation Experiment.
- Plus Plan
Mixtures and Solutions Investigation Station Cards
Determine if a combination of ingredients makes a mixture or solution during your science centers with this set of station cards.
- Plus Plan
Plant Growth in Soils – Science Experiment
Explore how plants grow in different types of soil with this science experiment perfect for primary school science lessons.
- Free Plan
Rain Cloud in a Jar Experiment
Use this science experiment when learning about the different types and features of clouds and how they contribute to the water cycle.
- Plus Plan
Inquiry Project - Template
A diverse template to help students craft inquiry questions to produce different types of projects.
- Plus Plan
Balloon Car Experiment – Speed Racer
Use this hands-on balloon car experiment when teaching your Year 4 students about thrust force and its effect on the speed of objects.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Suck It Up!
A science experiment which investigates the absorptive properties of various materials.
- Plus Plan
Making an Ice Cream Spider – Matter Experiment
Have fun making ice cream spiders in this exciting Changing States of Matter Science Experiment for Kids.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - How Does Soil Affect Seed Growth?
Explore the effect of soil type on growth and change of a seedling with a hands-on science experiment.
- Plus Plan
How Does the Environment Affect Plants? Science Experiment
Investigate the effects of the environment on plant life with a no-cut printable science experiment mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Keep Me Dry
A science experiment which explores the absorptive properties of materials.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Angles of Reflection
A science experiment that explores reflected light.
- Plus Plan
Air Resistance Force Investigation
Use this engaging air resistance force experiment when teaching your students about air friction and the effect it has on the effectiveness of a parachute.
- Plus Plan
Making Butter in a Jar – States of Matter Lab Activity
Have fun making butter in a jar in this exciting Changing States of Matter Lab Activity.
- Plus Plan
Five Senses Science Stations
Show your students the power of their five senses with a pack of printable 5 Senses Science Stations!
- Plus Plan
Oil Spill!- Science Lab Activity on Water Pollution
Investigate a man-made natural disaster and discover the effects of oil spills on wildlife with a hands-on lab activity on water pollution!
- Plus Plan
Buoyancy Experiment – Sink or Swim
Use this practical float or sink science experiment when teaching your students about why some objects float in water while others sink.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion Experiment – Throwing, Dropping, Bouncing, Rolling
Use this hands-on force and motion experiment when teaching your students about how forces influence the movement of objects.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Will It Change?
A science investigation in which the students observe changes that occur to various objects over time.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Shine Bright, Electric Light!
A science experiment that investigates how changes to electrical circuits affects their components.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Lights Line Up!
A science experiment which explores light.
- Plus Plan
Observing Chemical Reactions Experiment for Kids
Investigates chemical changes and the law of conservation of mass with our Observing Chemical Reactions Experiments.
- Plus Plan
Sound Research Science Experiment for Kids
Immerse your students in an auditory adventure, exploring sound energy with this engaging experiment.