Social Emotional Learning Games for Teachers
- Free Plan
Feelings and Emotions Match-Up Activity
Help students to recognise and identify their feelings and emotions with this interactive match-up activity.
- Plus Plan
Managing Big Emotions – Interactive Activity
Teach students how to manage emotions using healthy coping skills with this interactive scenario game for the early years classroom.
- Plus Plan
What Would You Do? Empathy Board Game
Challenge your students to think about the feelings of others and how to appropriately respond with the empathy board game.
- Plus Plan
Identifying Emotions Interactive Activity
Help your students identify and explore common emotions with this engaging digital activity.
- Plus Plan
Growth Mindset Game Show Interactive Activity
Explore growth mindset with this interactive activity that encourages students to think, act, write, talk and decide on true or false for a set of questions.
- Plus Plan
Team Building Games for Upper Grades
Encourage communication and cooperation with a set of 10 team building games.
- Plus Plan
Safe or Unsafe Social Stories Interactive Activity
Discuss safe and unsafe scenarios with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Choices and Consequences Board Games
Encourage your students to think about the choices they make with this printable SEL board game.
- Plus Plan
Safe and Unsafe Interactive Activity
Explore safe and unsafe situations with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Growth Mindset Interactive Activity
Engage students in spending time looking at how to grow their growth mindset with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Good vs. Bad Choices Interactive Quiz
Help your students differentiate between good and bad choices with an interactive quiz activity.
- Plus Plan
Managing Stress Social Stories Interactive Activity
Share this relaxing and calming interactive activity with your students to help them to differentiate between helpful and unhelpful strategies for coping with stress.
- Plus Plan
Resilience or Not? Interactive Sorting Activity
Explore examples of resilience by playing this interactive sorting game perfect for your social-emotional learning lessons.
- Plus Plan
Proud to be Me Scoot Game
Engage students in identifying and describing personal identity while also promoting discussion with this active activity.
- Plus Plan
Everyday Empathy Interactive Game
Download this interactive game and help your students practise identifying emotions and understanding how others feel.
- Plus Plan
Think It or Say It? - Sorting Activity
Teach students about using a filter when speaking with others.
- Plus Plan
Cooperation Social Stories - Interactive Activity
Help your students differentiate between uncooperative and cooperative behaviour in social situations with an interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Self-Esteem Builder Board Game
Explore how to build self-esteem with your students using this fun self-esteem game board.
- Plus Plan
Road to High Self-Esteem Board Game
Help students understand what self-esteem is and how to boost their own self-esteem with this board game.
- Plus Plan
What Can I Control? Interactive Resource
Learn about self regulation with this PowerPoint about things that you can and cannot control at school.
- Plus Plan
Friendship Fun! – Board Game
Discuss characteristics of healthy friendships as well as how to repair relationships with a fun and engaging board game.
- Plus Plan
Coping Strategies Bingo
Identify and remember different coping strategies that can be used at home or in the classroom when feeling overwhelmed with an emotion.
- Free Plan
Dealing with Bullying Board Game
A fun board game for students to play when encouraging the use of resilience strategies.
- Plus Plan
Escape from Stress Board Game
Introduce this board game in your classroom to help students practise identifying which stress management coping strategies to use and when.
- Plus Plan
Find a Friend Who…Worksheet
Encourage students to engage with different classmates and learn about others with this whole-class activity.
- Plus Plan
Growth Mindset Advice Dice Game
A dice game in which students are given a challenging scenario and give advice using Captain Yet's optimistic solutions.
- Plus Plan
Showing Empathy Interactive Activity
Encourage your students to identify acts of empathy and determine the right thing to do in a given situation with an interactive activity designed for year 1 and 2 students.
- Plus Plan
Positive Self Talk Match-Up
Teach your students how positive self talk in challenging situations can boost self-esteem with this match-up activity.
- Plus Plan
Printable Empathy Games
Spark empathy in young hearts! Download our set of printable empathy games specially crafted for year 1 and 2 students.
- Plus Plan
Managing Stress (Coping Strategies) Interactive Activity
Assign this interactive learning activity to your students to assess their knowledge of coping strategies for managing stress.
- Plus Plan
Let's Look at Self Esteem Interactive Activity
Boost your students' self-esteem with this fun and engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Brain Breaks - Activity Slides
Add some Christmas Brain Breaks to your classroom festivities to help boost engagement and attention during the holiday season.