The Arts Teaching Resources
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Rhyme Time
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Game, Set, Match!
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 10 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Colourful Chameleon Template
A blank chameleon template that is ideal to use as an art activity.
- Plus Plan
Drawing on Demand - Kooky Clown
An art activity that incorporates both drawing and listening skills.
- Free Plan
Shape Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'shape' as an art element.
- Plus Plan
International Dot Day Textured Mandala Template
Celebrate International Dot Day in style with a printable Dot Day Textured Mandala Template.
- Free Plan
Play Script Template
A template for students to use when writing their own play script.
- Plus Plan
Alice In Wonderland – Drama Freeze Frame – Task Cards
Task cards to help students create freeze frames about the fairy tale, Alice in Wonderland.
- Plus Plan
Balancing Act Activity
A fun art activity to explore positive and negative space.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Texture PowerPoint - Upper Years
A 26 slide teaching presentation to use when investigating texture in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Organically Abstract Mobile Activity
A fun art activity to explore organic shape.
- Plus Plan
Art Elements PowerPoint Presentation
A PowerPoint including eight slides explaining the different visual art elements.
- Plus Plan
Plumping It Up Activity
A fun art activity to explore form in a two-dimensional work.
- Free Plan
Organic Shape Puzzle
A puzzle focusing on the identification of organic shapes.
- Free Plan
Make a Caterpillar – Dot Art Activity
An art activity procedure for how to make a caterpillar.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Colour PowerPoint - Upper Years
A 21 slide teaching presentation to use when investigating colour in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Drawing on Demand - Corn on the Cob
An art activity that incorporates both drawing and listening skills.
- Free Plan
6-Part Colour Wheel and Colour Theory
A colour wheel featuring the 6 primary and secondary colours.
- Plus Plan
Finish The Drawing Activity With a Robot
Complete the robot and give it a background.
- Plus Plan
Identifying Colours Game
Explore colours with your students using this fun and engaging identifying colours game.
- Plus Plan
Visual Literacy Techniques Poster Pack
Teach your students how to uncover hidden meanings in images with this vibrant set of Visual Literacy Technique Posters!
- Plus Plan
The Arts Term Tracker (Australian Curriculum) - Foundation to Year 2
The Arts term tracker using the Australian Curriculum Foundation to Year 2 content descriptors and codes.
- Free Plan
Roll to Create a Gingerbread House
Have some Christmas fun without the mess with a Roll-to-Create Gingerbread House Art activity.
- Plus Plan
Art Attack! Shape – Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for a magazine article from the Year 2 magazine (Issue 3).
- Plus Plan
IMPRESSive Imprints Activity
A fun art activity to explore texture.
- Plus Plan
How to Draw a Monster for Kids - Directed Drawing
Teach your students how to draw a monster with this Halloween directed-drawing activity.
- Plus Plan
Preschool Colours – Paint Splat Posters
Promote colour recognition in your kindy classroom with printable colour words posters.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Josephine
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - My Dad, the Superhero
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 10 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Mighty Maree
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 10 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Jesting Archaeologist
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 10 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Colourful Chameleon Art Activity
An art activity perfect for exploring, colour, texture and pattern.