Measurement Games for Teachers
- Free Plan
Perimeter and Area Dice Game
Use this area and perimeter dice game as a pair activity during your maths lessons on measurement.
- Plus Plan
Roll and Write - Telling Time Dice Game
Have fun learning how to tell time with a Roll and Write Telling Time Dice Game!
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Length - Interactive Slides Activity
Make converting lengths of measurement a breeze with a Measurement Conversion Digital Learning Activity.
- Plus Plan
Interactive Maths Review – Activities for Years 5, 6 and 7
Review important maths concepts covered in years 5, 6 and 7 with a student-led interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Escape Room
‘Escape’ the ordinary in your classroom with this measurement escape room that will engage your students as they solve measurement conversion problems.
- Plus Plan
Area (Measuring Regular and Irregular Shapes) Interactive Activity
Assign this colourful area interactive activity in your next math class to help students practise measuring the area of regular and irregular shapes!
- Plus Plan
Measuring Area Using Informal Units Interactive Activity
Use this set of ten interactive slides to help your students practise measuring the area of regular and irregular shapes using informal (square) units.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length Interactive Task Cards
Practise measuring objects to the nearest centimetre and millimetre with an engaging set of self-checking interactive task cards.
- Plus Plan
Mass Mystery Escape Room
Explore the different elements of mass with this super fun and engaging escape room resource.
- Plus Plan
Finding the Perimeter Interactive Activity
Get students finding the perimeter of shapes with this self-checking digital resource, perfect for lesson introductions and wrap-ups.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter Escape Room – The Mysterious Missing Cupcakes
Have your super-sleuth students solve this perimeter escape room to find out who stole the missing cupcakes!
- Plus Plan
Measuring Mass Digital Learning Activity
Practise measuring mass with this fun and engaging digital learning slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Hour, Half-hour, Quarter To and Quarter Past
Play a few rounds of Telling the Time Bingo to practise telling the time to the quarter hours.
- Plus Plan
Time to 5 Minutes - Digital Learning Activity
Review how to tell time to the nearest five minutes with an independent Telling Time Digital Learning Activity.
- Plus Plan
Selecting Units of Capacity — Interactive Game
Estimate the units needed to measure capacity with an Interactive Measurement Game!
- Plus Plan
Estimate the Length Game - MM, CM, M, KM
Practise estimating length in metric units with this self-checking Google interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Shorter or Longer? Measurement Comparison Game
Identify what is shorter or longer with an engaging interactive measurement game.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Trivia Game
Play an interactive Maths game show to practise telling time and calculating elapsed time.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Puzzles – Hour and Half-Hour Times
Practise reading analogue clocks, digital clocks and time in word form with a set of printable time puzzles.
- Plus Plan
Year 2 Telling Time Game - Hour and Half Hour Ice Cream Match
Create a maths centre to practise telling time to the hour and half hour with a printable ice cream matching game.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Hour and Half-hour
Thirty different bingo cards using analogue clocks.
- Plus Plan
Know Your Measurement Conversions Trivia Game
Practise measurement conversions involving time, length, capacity, and volume with an exciting Know Your Measurement! Trivia Game!
- Plus Plan
24-Hour Time Memory - Year 5 Maths Game
Practise converting 12-hour and 24-hour times with this fun 24-Hour Time Game.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter of Composite Shapes Interactive Activity
Get students to answer perimeter questions with this interactive digital resource, perfect for lesson introductions and wrap-ups.
- Free Plan
Roll and Cover – Telling Time to the Minute
Practise telling to the minute with this roll and cover game
- Free Plan
I Have, Who Has? Game – Measuring Mass with Scales
A game to reinforce the skill of reading scaled instruments when measuring mass.
- Plus Plan
Interactive Measurement Conversion Activities — Interactive Task Cards
Gamify learning with interactive measurement conversion activities like these engaging digital task cards!
- Plus Plan
Heavy vs. Light Digital Activity
Explore the mass of items and compare and contrast the heaviest and lightest with this set of 25 digital task cards.
- Plus Plan
Informal Mass - Heavier or Lighter Interactive
Practise using informal units of measurement to compare and estimate the mass of everyday objects with this engaging digital activity.
- Plus Plan
Time by the Minute - Year 3 Maths Interactive
Practise telling time by the minute with an interactive Time-telling digital learning activity.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter Matching Game
Have students explore the perimeter of composite figures with this matching game perfect for collaborative learning.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Capacity Escape Room
Explore measuring and comparing capacity in litres and millilitres with this measuring capacity escape room.