Measurement Teaching Resources for Year 3
- Plus Plan
Differentiated Elapsed Time Worksheets for Beginners
Download a pack of differentiated Elapsed Time worksheets to help your students learn to calculate elapsed time in hours, half hours, and minutes.
- Free Plan
Free Telling Time to the Minute Worksheets
A worksheet for telling time to the minute and converting between analogue and digital times.
- Plus Plan
Determining Elapsed Time-Word Problems Worksheet
Print an elapsed time word problems worksheet to provide students with practise measuring the passage of time.
- Plus Plan
Mass Mystery Escape Room
Explore the different elements of mass with this super fun and engaging escape room resource.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length Drawing Challenge Worksheeets
Make learning to use a centimetre ruler fun with an engaging set of Measurement Drawing Challenge Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
CM & MM Measurement Worksheets - Year 3
Practise using a ruler to measure in centimetres and millimetres with a pair of printable measurement worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Roll and Write - Telling Time Dice Game
Have fun learning how to tell time with a Roll and Write Telling Time Dice Game!
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length with Formal Units Teaching Slides
Introduce your students to the formal units to measure length with an engaging, interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Year 3 - Estimate and Measure Length Worksheets
Estimate and measure length in metres and centimetres with a set of printable Year 3 maths worksheets
- Plus Plan
Paper Airplane Challenge - Measuring Distance Maths Activity
Practise measuring distance and have fun hosting a paper plane competition using a printable math investigation workbook.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Poster
Help your students learn to tell the time to the hour, half-hour, quarter, and minute with a printable Telling the Time anchor chart PDF.
- Plus Plan
Measuring My Body – Length Worksheet
Explore linear measurement with an engaging collaborative activity where students measure different body parts and compare them.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Test
Assess your students' abilities to determine elapsed time to the whole, half, and quarter-hour with a printable Elapsed Time Test.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Length Interactive Task Cards
Practise measuring objects to the nearest centimetre and millimetre with an engaging set of self-checking interactive task cards.
- Plus Plan
Months of the Year Worksheets - Ordering
Use these Months of the Year printables to help your students with the months of the year.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Worksheets - Differentiated Maths
Practise using analogue clocks with this set of differentiated tell-the-time clock worksheets.
- Free Plan
24-Hour Time Poster
A poster showing 24-hour time and how it correlates with am/pm.
- Plus Plan
Analogue Time to the Half Hour – Worksheets
Practise telling time to the half-hour with a fun set of printable Telling Time Worksheets for Grade 1.
- Plus Plan
Year 3 Measurement Test - Measuring Length
Assess your Year 3 students' ability to measure length with a Year 3 Measuring Length Test.
- Plus Plan
Order Up! Elapsed Time Puzzles
Practise determining elapsed time with a printable pack of nine Order Up! Elapsed Time Cut and Paste Puzzle Strips.
- Plus Plan
Length Word Problems - Year 3 Maths Worksheet
Help your students relate addition and subtraction with length using a printable Measurement Word Problems Worksheet for Year 3.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Mass Digital Learning Activity
Practise measuring mass with this fun and engaging digital learning slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Which Unit of Measurement? - Length Worksheets
Identify the unit of measurement needed to measure the length of an object with a pack of ‘Which Unit of Measurement’ Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Clock Template
Start telling time to the nearest five-minute increment with a hands-on printable clock template.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Area with Informal Units
A worksheet to use when exploring the concept of measuring area with informal units.
- Plus Plan
Year 3 Using Units of Measurement Worksheets Bundle
Download year 3 worksheets for using units of measurement that are linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
It's About Time! Introduction to Time PowerPoint
Introduce your students to the concepts and history of time and for investigate the relationship between units of time with an interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Measuring the Area of a Robot with Informal Units Worksheet
A worksheet to use when measuring area with informal square units.
- Free Plan
Blank Digital and Analogue Clock Templates
Practise writing the time in digital and analogue form with this set of blank clock faces.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Year 2 Worksheets
Practise telling time on a clock with a set of 5 printable telling time Year 2 worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Hour and Half-hour
Thirty different bingo cards using analogue clocks.
- Free Plan
Converting Units of Time – Task Cards
Practise converting time with a handy set of free Time Unit Conversion Task Cards.