Stage 1
- Free Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - What's My Pet?
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Art Elements Activity Task Cards
A set of 28 art activity task cards that explore each of the art elements.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Three Billy Goats Gruff
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Easy Origami Animals Worksheet and Step-By-Step Instructions for Kids
Make origami animals with your students with printable step-by-step instructions plus a 2D shapes worksheet for your maths lesson planning.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Line PowerPoint - Lower Years
A 22 slide teaching presentation to use when investigating line in Visual Art.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Lion and the Mouse
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Why Bears Have Stumpy Tails
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Free Plan
Patterns, Lines and Feelings Activity
A fun art activity to experiment with the use of line and pattern.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Grandpa's Birthday Surprise
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Three Little Pigs
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Free Plan
Patterning Guide Template - Lower
A template to use when learning about line in visual art.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Return of the Three Bears
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Free Plan
Line Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'line' as an art element.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Trouble at the Park
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Hare and Tortoise
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Art Elements Poster Pack
A set of eight posters explaining the different visual art elements.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Colour PowerPoint – Lower Years
An 18-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating colour in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Shape PowerPoint - Lower Years
A 19-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating shape in Visual Art.
- Free Plan
Organic Shape Puzzle
A puzzle focusing on the identification of organic shapes.
- Plus Plan
Line and Feeling Sorting Activity - Lower
A fun sorting activity for students to explore interpretation of line in visual art.
- Free Plan
Colour Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'colour' as an art element.
- Plus Plan
The Elements of Drama - Information Cards
A set of 16 information cards providing definitions of the elements of drama.
- Free Plan
Storm's a Comin' - Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring sound in science or music.
- Free Plan
My Garden Grows Activity
A fun art activity to explore organic shape.
- Plus Plan
Art Elements PowerPoint Presentation
A PowerPoint including eight slides explaining the different visual art elements.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Hansel and Gretel
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Free Plan
Art Elements Poster
A poster that visually explains the different art elements.
- Free Plan
Texture Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'texture' as an art element.
- Free Plan
Form Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'form' as an art element.
- Free Plan
Shape Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'shape' as an art element.
- Free Plan
Value Art Element Poster
A poster that explains the term 'value' as an art element.
- Plus Plan
Cylinder Sculpture Activity
A fun art activity to experiment with the use of warm or cool colours.