Teaching ideas & inspiration
Uncategorized Teaching Resources
The Student Portfolio: How to Use This Powerful Tool in Your Classroom
A guide to collating the student portfolio packed with helpful ideas and teaching resources.
Drama Games for Kids to Engage them in the Classroom
Use these drama games with upper primary and middle primary students as brain breaks or to help students build their skills. These activities and games work with any content your class is familiar with!
6 Subtraction Strategies to Help Students with Mental Maths
Teach these subtraction strategies to young maths students to help them on the path to maths fluency.
Decodable Readers vs Predictable Texts: What the Research Says
The use of predictable texts has been cut from the Australian Curriculum and decodable readers have been highlighted! What this means for you and your school.
Why Do We Teach Children Syllables? (Activities Included)
Have you ever wondered why we teach children syllables? Do you know the difference between spoken syllables and a written syllables? Read on for more...
21 Teacher Jokes That Will Crack You Up!
We all know a good belly laugh is good for the soul! Here are some of the best teaching related jokes we could find!
What Age Do Kids Start School Around the World?
What is the best age for kids to start school? Take a look at starting ages around the world!
How to Make an Exploding Gift Box for Mother's Day With Your Students
THIS is the Mother's Day craft activity you've been looking for... Using simple materials, follow this step-by-step process to create an exploding gift box!
12 Ways to Improve Student Concentration That Really Work
How can you get students to focus and concentrate on the lesson at hand? Here are some research-backed tips for teachers to help students concentrate.
Play Based Learning Ideas for the Curriculum Aligned Classroom
Take a look at these inspirational play based learning experiences for your classroom - and they're curriculum aligned to boot!
10 Exciting QR Code Activities for Students
Here are 10 awesome QR code activities for Kids to use in the classroom!
Why Teachers Are Adopting Sound Walls Over Word Walls
Sound walls in the classroom are gaining a lot of attention amongst teachers - read all about them and why some teachers are choosing sound walls over word walls.
Game-Changing Word Building Activities for Kids
Word building - setting your students up for success with these word building hints, tips and activities.
5 Quick and Easy Maths Tricks for Kids
Try these maths tricks for kids that will supplement learning instead of supplanting it! They're teacher-approved!
Storytelling for Kids: Creative Ideas Teachers Can Use to Get Kids Writing
Teaching storytelling? Get students in the classroom excited with these storytelling ideas and activities for kids!
Hand and Finger Warm Up Exercises for Kids
These simple hand and finger exercises will help develop fine motor skills and aid in motor memory, all while providing a brain break!
10 Easy, Simple Addition Activities for Kids
Are your students frustrated with the concept of addition? Make addition fun in the classroom, or even at home, with these creative, easy and effective hands-on activities.
11 Excellent Earth Day Classroom Activities and Resources
Make Earth Day count with these fun Earth Day activities for kids in the classroom that incorporate math, science, and more, plus access free seeds, resources, and more for teachers!
11 Books About Bullying for Kids (with Activities)
This collection of teacher-selected books about bullying are the perfect addition to your classroom library.
Talking to Kids About Ukraine: How Teachers Can Help Students
How teachers can talk to students about Ukraine, kids' anxiety over the crisis in Eastern Europe, and more expert tips.
Inspirational Books About Young Women to Read in the Classroom This International Women's Day (and Beyond)
On International Women's Day, share these amazing children's books and activities with your students.
19 FUN Two's Day Activities for Kids (22/2/22)
Did you know it's Two's Day on Tuesday? Here are some fun Two's Day activities to do with your kids.
10 Awesome Buddy Program (Buddies) Activity Ideas
Stuck for ideas for your buddies this term? Check out these awesome activity ideas!
10 Activities for Developing the Skills of Speaking and Listening
Try these 10 activities to improve your students' speaking and listening - essential skills for the development of communication, speech and language.
Fun Ways to Learn with LEGO in the Classroom
From learning sentence structure to coding activities, using Lego for learning in the classroom is a no brainer.
School Hours Around the World: Who Has the Longest or Shortest Day?
School hours around the world vary significantly - you'll be surprised with some of the different countries and their take on school hours.
The Best Class Pets and the Worst to Keep in a Classroom
Have you considered keeping a class pet? Here's all you need to know, hints, tips and stories to help you find the best class pet for you and your students!
20 Grammar Activities to Use in the Classroom
20 ways to make teaching and learning the wonderful world of grammar fun.
Gender-Neutral Terms for Teachers to Use in the Classroom
Try these gender-neutral terms to address a class of students in primary school plus ways to adjust the language to be more gender-neutral in the classroom.
How Teachers are Creating Covid Safe Classrooms
Tips for teachers on how to protect themselves and their students during the return to school during COVID-19.
Opening the Door to an Outdoor Classroom
Do you love teaching in the great outdoors? Make transitioning to an outdoor classroom a breeze with our Outdoor Lesson Box.
What You Need to Know About Teaching With a Mask
How can you teach with a mask on? Expert tips on protecting your voice and picking a good mask for teaching!