Teaching ideas & inspiration
In the Classroom Teaching Resources
Teachers can spend more time in their classroom than any other place in their daily lives. Which is why we know that managing your students’ learning spaces is important. Not only that, but keeping your classroom organized makes a big difference to student behavior and how smoothly your daily routines will run.
Here you'll find our teacher team's best classroom organization tips and tricks, along with classroom inspiration, display and decor ideas, and more. We'll help you figure out flexible seating and set up a rich visible learning environment.
Hands-On Maths Tool Box in the Classroom
Most children learn maths through multiple representations and with hands-on activities.
27 Practical Word Wall Ideas for the Classroom
Some neat ideas for setting up a word wall in your classroom...check them out here...
8 Fun and Effective Lesson Closures
It’s happened to all of us, the intention is there but just as you’re thinking “I still have ten minutes…” the bell rings and the lesson ends with a frantic collection of work!
15 Tips and Hacks for Ziploc Bags in the Classroom
Who would have thought the trusty ziploc bags could be used for so many things?
7 Classroom Hacks and Activities Using Magnets
Some fantastic magnet classroom hacks and activities that I would have used in the classroom...
Visible Learning in the Classroom
Many Australian schools are transitioning into visible learning classrooms, but what is best practice when it comes to creating a visible learning classroom environment?