World Kindness Day 2025 Teaching Resources
Explore World Kindness Day 2025 activities, worksheets and more designed by Australian teachers for Australian teachers!
This collection of kindness-themed activities is packed with hands-on activities, colouring in sheets and posters to promote kindness and its benefits this November.
Read on for a primer from our teacher team to prepare for this day in the classroom, including when to add it to your classroom calendar!
What Is World Kindness Day?
World Kindness Day was established by the World Kindness Movement in 1998, and is internationally recognised as a day to focus on the positive power and the common thread of kindness.
In 2010, World Kindness Australia reported the very first school celebration of World Kindness Day in Double Bay, NSW. In 2012, World Kindness Day was added to the Australian Federal School Calendar.
Since then, many schools and students have participated in this annual celebration of kindness. World Kindness Day activities can be integrated into daily teaching or planned as a whole school event, such as an assembly.
When Is World Kindness Day 2025 Observed?
World Kindness Day is observed globally on 13 November. In 2025, this date falls on a Thursday.
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World Kindness Day Colouring Sheets
Use these World Kindness Day colouring pages as a fun art activity with your students.
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Kindness Words - Word Wall
Print a set of kindness word cards to use during your social-emotional learning lessons.
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Grow with Kindness Craft
Promote kindness in the classroom with this engaging craft.
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Kindness Word Scramble
Use this Kindness Word Scramble worksheet to talk about the different words associated with being kind.
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Bee Kind Craft and Writing Template
Celebrate World Kindness Day with this gorgeous bee writing and craft template.
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Kindness Hat Template
Make a wearable Kindness Day hat with your students.
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Kindness Quilt Display
Discuss and create a gorgeous kindness-themed classroom display.
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Kindness Award Pack
Reward kindness with five styles of certificates that celebrate thoughtful acts among your students and the environment.
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Circle of Kindness Templates
End the school year with individual affirmations for kids with our Circle of Kindness affirmation activity.
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Kindness Reflection Activity and Classroom Display
Teach students kindness this school year with an interactive kindness activity and display for the primary classroom.
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Kindness is Sweet! Craft for Kindness Day
Think about sweet things you can say to others that are kind and display the finished Kindness Craft in your classroom as a kindness display.
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Kindness Tracker Jar
Track kindness in the classroom with this kindness jar ready to be coloured in with random acts of kindness.
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'I'm a Kind Koala Because...' Template
A kind koala template to encourage students to think about all the ways to be kind.
Kindness is a Gift
This week I'm joined by Tam from Miss Learning Bee on Instagram. Tam's a kindergarten teacher who feels that fostering empathy and kindness in children builds strong, resilient and healthy people. Tam explicity teaches kids to be kind. She sh...
13 World Kindness Day Ideas to Teach Kids to Be Kind in Your Classroom
Explore World Kindness Day ideas to kick off kindness in the primary classroom and encourage kids to be a little bit kinder.