A comprehensive resource pack to assist with teacher organisation and administration.
This resource pack includes printable diaries, templates and posters to assist with teacher planning and classroom administration.
Check out our blog for an example of how to create your very own teacher planner.
- Reflective Thinking Poster and Cards
- Assessment Record Template
- Relief Teaching Day Feedback Form
- Parent Teacher Interview Planning Template
- Clock Template
- Blank Writing Template
- Note Taking Graphic Organiser
- HOT (Higher-order Thinking) Questions Wall
- Compare and Contrast - Venn Diagram Template
- Sticky Note Printing Template
- Angles Printable Teacher Diary Resource Pack
- Chevrons Printable Teacher Diary Resource Pack
- Chalkboard Printable Teacher Diary Resource Pack
- Letter to the Teacher Template
- Social Story Cards and Templates
- Blank Comic Strip Templates
- Editable Student Profile Template
The teacher diary packs did not download with this resource.
Hi Carly, Could I get you to try and open the resource pack zip file with WinRAR or another zip unpack program? This seems to fix the problem with Windows file explorer not locating the correct files. Otherwise, you can select the link for Teacher Diary Packs from the post above (the green link in the long list of resources), this will take you directly to the Teacher Diary Pack resource page where you can download them separately. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.
Resource looks great but not all resources downloaded - top 4 on list do not download together with pack.
Hi Serena, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have our technical support team working on this and I will let you know as soon as the problem is resolved.