Display these fitness exercise cards in your classroom to encourage your students to stay healthy and active.
Alternatively, place the cards in a bucket and have your students randomly select an activity to perform.
The exercises include:
- Scissors
- Star jumps
- Sprints
- Twists
- Crunches
- Knee high jog
- Push ups
- Knee high lifts
- Heel touch
- Shuffling
- Sprinkler
- Hopping
- Squats
- Rowing
- Side-to-side jumps
- Backwards/forwards jumps
- Power jumps
- Easy walk
- Step touch
- Grape vine
- Plank
- Side-to-side
- Lunges
- Marching
Love this activities! Will be using these with my class while we are still remote learning and then when we return. Looking forward to seeing how their skills improve over time!!
Hi Karyn Thank you for your feedback! We're glad to hear you like the resource and hope those fitness skills do improve! Cheers Janeen
These look like a fun activity to use during sport time, or even as a brain break type of activity in the classroom. Thank you!