teaching resource

A New Monarch: King Charles III Coronation Teaching PowerPoint

  • Updated

    Updated:  22 Sep 2023

Learn about King Charles III and the symbols and traditions of a traditional coronation.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint, Google Slides

  • Years

    Years:  3 - 6

teaching resource

A New Monarch: King Charles III Coronation Teaching PowerPoint

  • Updated

    Updated:  22 Sep 2023

Learn about King Charles III and the symbols and traditions of a traditional coronation.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint, Google Slides

  • Years

    Years:  3 - 6

Learn about King Charles III and the symbols and traditions of a traditional coronation.

A New Monarch: King Charles III – Coronation Day

In this teaching presentation, your students will learn key vocabulary featured in the PowerPoint, including; monarch, coronation, realm, and procession. They will be guided through a brief overview of King Charles III’s early life and his family.

Then the following places/icons will be featured and discussed:

  • Westminster Abbey
  • The Crown
  • The Orb
  • The Sceptre
  • ‘The Ceremony

Throughout the PowerPoint, there will be points where the teacher can stop to check for understanding with a few ‘turn and talk ‘ activities.

Please note: Learning about the coronation of King Charles III and other events connected to the British Royal Family can be triggering to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people groups, due to the ongoing trauma faced since the point of colonisation.

King Charles III will begin his reign with growing pressure to honour treaties with First Nations People and repair some of the damage caused by the process of colonisation. These resources aim to share information on King Charles III’s life and the coronation ceremony traditions.

Learn About the Coronation Now

Use the drop-down menu to choose between the Google Slide or PowerPoint version of this resource. Alternatively, you may like to print each of these learning slides and take your students on a walking journey around the classroom. 

Print each slide and place them around the classroom in groups, have students walk around and write dot points of what they learn in each ‘learning station’.

King Charles III’s Coronation Activities for Kids

Are you looking for some more activities and resources to continue this learning? Here are some other fantastic teaching resources perfect for learning about King Charles III and the coronation.

This resource was created by Caitlyn Phillips, a Teach Starter collaborator.

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