A set of 26 A to Z handwriting sheets with upper and lower case letters and examples.
Examples and spaces for handwriting practise in your school font.
Print out a sheet for each of your students to practise their handwriting.
Updated: 21 Feb 2022
A set of 26 A to Z handwriting sheets with upper and lower case letters and examples.
Non-Editable: PDF
Pages: 27 Pages
Years: F - 2
Form most lower-case and upper-case letters using learnt letter formations
Recognise and name all upper- and lower-case letters (graphs) and know the most common sound that each letter represents
Write words using unjoined lower-case and upper-case letters
Write words legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper-case and lower-case letters
Write words using joined letters that are clearly formed and consistent in size
Recognise and name all upper and lower case letters (graphemes) and know the most common sound that each letter representsElaborationsusing familiar and common letters in handwritten and digital communications (Skills: Literacy)identifying familiar a...
Produce some lower case and upper case letters using learned letter formationsElaborationsadopting correct posture and pencil grip)learning to produce simple handwriting movements)following clear demonstrations of how to construct each letter (for ex...
Write using unjoined lower case and upper case lettersElaborationsusing correct posture and pencil grip)learning how each letter is constructed including where to start and the direction to follow)writing words legibly using unjoined print script of ...
Write legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper case and lower case lettersElaborationsusing correct pencil grip and posture)writing sentences legibly and fluently using unjoined print script of consistent size (Skills: Literacy)(View thi...
Write using joined letters that are clearly formed and consistent in sizeElaborationspractising how to join letters to construct a fluent handwriting style)(View this topic on www.australiancurriculum.edu.au )
A set of 26 A to Z handwriting sheets with upper and lower case letters and examples.
Examples and spaces for handwriting practise in your school font.
Print out a sheet for each of your students to practise their handwriting.
Form most lower-case and upper-case letters using learnt letter formations
Recognise and name all upper- and lower-case letters (graphs) and know the most common sound that each letter represents
Write words using unjoined lower-case and upper-case letters
Write words legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper-case and lower-case letters
Write words using joined letters that are clearly formed and consistent in size
Recognise and name all upper and lower case letters (graphemes) and know the most common sound that each letter representsElaborationsusing familiar and common letters in handwritten and digital communications (Skills: Literacy)identifying familiar a...
Produce some lower case and upper case letters using learned letter formationsElaborationsadopting correct posture and pencil grip)learning to produce simple handwriting movements)following clear demonstrations of how to construct each letter (for ex...
Write using unjoined lower case and upper case lettersElaborationsusing correct posture and pencil grip)learning how each letter is constructed including where to start and the direction to follow)writing words legibly using unjoined print script of ...
Write legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper case and lower case lettersElaborationsusing correct pencil grip and posture)writing sentences legibly and fluently using unjoined print script of consistent size (Skills: Literacy)(View thi...
Write using joined letters that are clearly formed and consistent in sizeElaborationspractising how to join letters to construct a fluent handwriting style)(View this topic on www.australiancurriculum.edu.au )
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Font lines updated on NSW Foundation worksheets to reflect correct conventions (dotted line, solid line, solid line, dotted line).
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A fun game for students to play in small groups to consolidate their understanding of adjectives.
A fun game for students to play in small groups to consolidate their understanding of adverbs.
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Which one is for WA???!!! :)
Hi Rosemary, We've uploaded a WA version that we hope fits the bill. If there are any problems, please contact us at support@teachstarter.com and get them sorted.
Please is it possible to choose the size of the lines? I would normally use 24mm for Year 1 and 18mm for Year 2.
Hi jemimab210, I suggest trying our Create Your Own Handwriting Sheets widget (https://www.teachstarter.com/au/widget/handwriting-sheet/). Hopefully, that will give you what you need. You can always request a new resource at our 'Request a Resource' page - https://www.teachstarter.com/request-a-resource/ or contact us at support@teachstarter.com.