teaching resource

Affixes Puzzle Activity

  • Updated

    Updated:  09 Jun 2023

Build words with affixes with a pack of printable word-building puzzles.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  11 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year:  2


teaching resource

Affixes Puzzle Activity

  • Updated

    Updated:  09 Jun 2023

Build words with affixes with a pack of printable word-building puzzles.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  11 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year:  2

Build words with affixes with a pack of printable word-building puzzles.

Build Words with Prefixes and Suffixes

If your students need a bit more practise with affixes, you’re in the right place. The Teach Starter team has put together a massive collection of resources to help your students (of all ages) master the English language through mastery of prefixes and suffixes.

This hands-on affix word-building puzzle pack encourages students to practise building words with prefixes, suffixes, and base words. Students will use one of two mats (prefixes or suffixes) to assemble a word with a root/base and accompanying prefixes or suffixes. Students are then required to record the new words they make using a handy graphic organiser. It’s a great way to hold students accountable for work during literacy stations.

Directions for Using Your Prefix and Suffix Activity

  1. Pick a mat to sort with (prefix or suffix) and a recording sheet.
  2. First, pick up a prefix or a suffix puzzle piece and place it in the “prefix” or “suffix” box.
  3. Next, pick up a base word to connect to the prefix or suffix and place it in the “base word” box. 
  4. Write the new word on the line.
  5. Write the new word on your recording sheet.
  6. Write a sentence using the word on your recording sheet.

Download Your Word Building Activity with Ease!

You’re just a click away from getting your new resources! Use the dropdown arrow on the Download button to select the Editable Google Slides or PDF Resource file. Print, cut, and your students are ready to build!

This resource was created by Lisamarie Del Valle, a Teach Starter Collaborator.


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