Explore angles in the environment using this comprehensive teaching presentation for Year 3 students.
Explore Angles in the Environment
Are your students about to delve into the wonderful world of angles? Whether they realise it yet or not, angles are everywhere in our environment! From reading a book to playing on a device, riding a bike to sliding down a slippery dip, chances are there are angles at play, making these objects work successfully!
This 19-slide teaching presentation has been designed by our experienced team of teachers to help you introduce your students to all things angles! Written in clear, age-appropriate language and accompanied by visuals and labelled diagrams, this is the perfect resource to use when covering angles in the environment with your Year 3 students!
This angles in the environment teaching presentation addresses the following content aligned with the Australian Curriculum:
- What is an angle?
- Measuring angles
- A full turn
- A quarter turn
- A half turn
- A three-quarter turn
- A right angle
- Size of an angle’s rays
- Position of angles
- Angles in our environment
The presentation also includes several student activities to help you monitor how your class is grasping the content and to make sure they remain focused throughout the lesson.
If you’re an Office Suite user, you can download this presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format. Prefer the Google Suite? Just use the dropdown menu to select the Google Slides version of this resource. In both cases, be sure to operate the presentation in Slideshow mode, as the presentation does contain some simple animations.
This ready-made lesson will drastically reduce your planning time. It really is as easy as download, project, teach!
Maximise Your Use of This Angles Activity
Teaching presentations are a fabulous resource when it comes to introducing new topics to your students. This angles activity provides an overview of what angles are and where they can be found in the environment. And the best part is, using a high-quality teaching presentation can significantly reduce the planning time of time-poor teachers like yourself!
Looking for ways to maximise the use of this angles activity? Once you have worked through the teaching slides with your students, have them investigate their immediate environment to see what kinds of angles they can find. Our Angles in the Environment worksheet has been designed specifically for this purpose! Students can use the worksheet to apply what they have learned in the presentation by locating and drawing angles around the classroom or playground. That’s another angles lesson taken care of by the Teach Starter team!
How to Access and Use This Angles in the Environment Resource
Use the dropdown menu next to the Download button above to access either the Microsoft PowerPoint or the Google Slides version of this resource. (Note: You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides template before accessing it).
Project the resource onto your screen and work through the slides as a class for a paperless lesson!
This resource was created by Leeanne Blanckensee, a Teach Starter collaborator.
More Activities to Explore Angles in the Environment
Looking for more activities to enhance your maths lessons on angles in the environment? Explore this great selection of teacher-created resources!

teaching resource
Angles in Our Environment Interactive Game
Bring an extra dimension of fun into your Year 3 maths classroom with an interactive game exploring angles in the environment.

teaching resource
Classifying Angles – Sorting Activity
Help students recognise different types of angles in everyday life with this hands-on sorting activity.

teaching resource
Monster Right Angle Finder Template
Help your students identify right angles in the environment with this monster-inspired right angle finder.
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