teaching resource

Biography Flip Book Template

  • Updated

    Updated:  24 May 2023

Create a flipbook that clearly illustrates the most significant aspects of a biography subject.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  9 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  3 - 6


  • ACELY1682

    Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features and selecting print,and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purposeElaborationsusing pri...

  • ACELY1694

    Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language featuresElaborationsusing re...

  • ACELY1704

    Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audienceElaborationsusing research from print and digital resources t...

  • ACELY1714

    Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features, images and digital resources appropriate to purpose and audienceElaborationscreating informative texts for two ...

teaching resource

Biography Flip Book Template

  • Updated

    Updated:  24 May 2023

Create a flipbook that clearly illustrates the most significant aspects of a biography subject.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  9 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  3 - 6

Create a flipbook that clearly illustrates the most significant aspects of a biography subject.

Turn Your Students into Biography Writing Superstars

Students often find it challenging to write biographies. Informative writing requires the writer to decide what is essential, which is challenging to a new writer because they have to rely on their own judgment. 

By using this biography flipbook, your students will analyse and organise the most important aspects of a person’s life and write about them. Students will go through each page, including the following information about their biography subject:

  • Basic Information
  • Early Life
  • Adult Life
  • Legacy & Achievements
  • Personality Traits
  • Timeline

After all the sections are filled in, students use the information to write a 1-page biography on their subject in their own words. 

Finally, students cut out each section to assemble the flipbook and staple them together in order.  

Through completing this activity, students demonstrate their ability to develop a topic, gather relevant information, and paraphrase the information avoiding plagiarism.

Multiple Uses for This Biography Flipbook 

In addition to individual student work time, use this writing activity as an in-class or homework assignment for:

  • Personal & Family History
  • International Women’s Day
  • NAIDOC Week
  • National Science Week
  • Book Week

Before You Download

Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the full-color or black and white PDF or the Google Slides version of this resource. 

Don’t stop there! Your biography writing lesson plan wouldn’t be complete without these activities and teaching resources too: 

Image of Biography Research Template

teaching resource

Biography Research Template

Provide students with this biography research template to help them gather key life details and take organised notes for writing a well-structured biography.

Teach Starter Publishing3 pagesYears: 3 - 6
Image of Biography Poster Project Cut-Outs

teaching resource

Biography Poster Project Cut-Outs

Download this biography poster project containing engaging cut-outs that help students design an eye-catching and informative display about a person of their choice.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYears: 3 - 6
Image of Biography Poster With Annotations

teaching resource

Biography Poster With Annotations

Use this biography poster to introduce your students to the structure and language features of biography writing through an annotated example.

Teach Starter PublishingYears: 3 - 6


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