teaching resource

Book Report Mini Book

  • Updated

    Updated:  04 Jul 2023

Have students write about their favourite literature with this fun-sized mini-book.

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  2 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  1 - 2


teaching resource

Book Report Mini Book

  • Updated

    Updated:  04 Jul 2023

Have students write about their favourite literature with this fun-sized mini-book.

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  2 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  1 - 2

Have students write about their favourite literature with this fun-sized mini-book.

Share the Love of Reading During Book Week

Get your learners excited about reading and sharing their favourite books during Book Week with this book report mini-book!

This simple and easy-to-use template is the perfect way to get your students involved in the book review process.

Students are required to fill in the following information in their mini-book:

  • Book title
  • The story is about…
  • Draw some of the characters from the book.
  • Draw a picture of the main character.
  • My treasured part of the book is…
  • Draw the cover of the book.
  • Draw a map of the setting.
  • My rating
  • My reason for this rating…

Students could choose a book from the shortlist created by The Children’s Book Council of Australia. Alternatively, they can use this book report template for any book.

How to Create This Book Review Mini-Book

There are a couple of different options available when it comes to printing and constructing this resource. You can:

  • Print the pages back-to-back, then cut along the dotted lines to create a booklet.
  • Alternatively, print the pages single-sided, then cut along the dotted lines to create a booklet.

Note: The pages do not fold to create the booklet.

Download, Print and Go!

Use the Download button to access the easy-print black-and-white PDF.


Write a review to help other teachers and parents like yourself. If you'd like to request a change to this resource, or report an error, select the corresponding tab above.

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  • Tina Mayling

    I like this template. However, I find with a lot of your templates so much of the paper space is given to the graphics and decorations that there is minimal space for students to record their own ideas. The space for the students writing is often less than 50% of the paper space. A waste! Please ensure the designs are minimally decorated and the spaces for writing big enough to express an idea.

    • Bronwyn

      Thank you for your feedback, Tina! We really appreciate our teachers getting in touch, and I'll be sure to pass your message onto our resources team for consideration for future designs! Have a great week.

  • Lauren Hunt

    Hi there! Just printed this one out and realised that when you fold it, it doesn't actually make a book - the front cover isn't at the front and the pages are upside down! Really love it but would be even better if when folded it turned into a four page mini book. Lauren (Teacher Types) PS - if this can be updated ASAP I can include in my latest blog post!

    • Nicole Tinney

      I agree! I would love this even more if it could be folded rather than cut.

    • Lauren Hunt

      Oh I see! So it's stapled along the edge? Rather than folded? Will give it a go and add it to the latest blog x

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hey Lauren, Thanks for your suggestion. Because of people's different printing settings, we decided to set it up like this. Teachers can either print them back to back and cut along dotted lines to create a booklet. Alternatively, they can just print it out and cut along dotted lines to create a little booklet too. I hope this makes sense. Thanks heaps - Holly

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