Carpet rings perfect for velcro carpet dots, focusing on sight words.
Use these carpet rings with your On Your Marks or Sit Spots velcro dots. Cut and laminate the rings to ensure they last.
The small slit dividing the ring makes it easier to remove once the game has finished.
This resource is best used in small groups. Place the rings under each of your velcro dots.
Call out different sight words that your students need to find on the carpet.
Sight words included: and, be, in, is, it, of, that, the, to, was, his, not, on, one, said, so, they, we, with, you, all, are, as, at, but, for, had, have, he, her, look, here, little, make, play, see, no, come, my, if.
Thank you! Oops!
No problem, Clare. Glad we could help you out.
Could you please add editable circles to this resource? I love it!
Hi Clare, We have blank templates for these here: If there is anything else I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact me.