teaching resource

Cockatoo Mindful Colouring In Sheet

  • Updated

    Updated:  10 Oct 2023

A cockatoo mindful colouring in sheet.

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Years

    Years:  2 - 6

teaching resource

Cockatoo Mindful Colouring In Sheet

  • Updated

    Updated:  10 Oct 2023

A cockatoo mindful colouring in sheet.

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Years

    Years:  2 - 6

A cockatoo mindful colouring in sheet.

Cockatoo Mindfulness Colouring

Use this mindfulness activity with your students as part of your daily routine or as a strategy when students need to take some time to calm their minds and bodies.

This beautifully illustrated cockatoo design allows students to take their time colouring the intricate details of the picture.

Use this resource as a:

🍎 return from the playground routine
fast finisher activity
🏫 whole-class colouring activity.

Integrate with National Simultaneous Storytime 📚

This year’s National Simultaneous Storytime book is ‘Family Tree’ by Josh Pyke. It features cockatoos throughout the story. Here are some ideas on how to integrate this colouring sheet in the lead up to the event:

  • Create a classroom family tree display and fill the branches with colourful cockatoos.
  • As a class, complete a mindfulness colouring page for every cockatoo that appears in the book.
  • Hold a whole-class/school colouring in competition using the mindfulness cockatoos.

Easily Download & Print

This resource downloads as an A4 PDF which can easily be printed on A3 using your printer settings.

Choose to print on A4 for individual student copies or go bigger like we did at the office getting it printed on A2.

Don’t stop there! We’ve got more mindfulness colourings that your students will love!

Image of Horse Mindful Colouring In Sheet

teaching resource

Horse Mindful Colouring In Sheet

A horse mindful colouring in sheet.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYears: 2 - 6
Image of Stegosaurus Mindful Colouring In Sheet

teaching resource

Stegosaurus Mindful Colouring In Sheet

A stegosaurus mindful colouring in sheet.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYears: 2 - 6
Image of Pangolin Mindful Colouring In Sheet

teaching resource

Pangolin Mindful Colouring In Sheet

A pangolin mindful colouring in sheet.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYears: 2 - 6


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