teaching resource

Comparing and Naming Angles – Differentiated Worksheets

  • Updated

    Updated:  30 Aug 2023

Assess your students’ understanding of angle types with the set of differentiated student worksheets.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  12 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year:  4

  • Differentiated

    Differentiated:  Yes


teaching resource

Comparing and Naming Angles – Differentiated Worksheets

  • Updated

    Updated:  30 Aug 2023

Assess your students’ understanding of angle types with the set of differentiated student worksheets.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  12 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year:  4

  • Differentiated

    Differentiated:  Yes

Assess your students’ understanding of angle types with the set of differentiated student worksheets.

Looking for a Types of Angles Worksheet?

Are you looking for a worksheet to help you assess your students’ understanding of angle types such as acute, right, obtuse, straight and reflex? You’ve come to the ‘right’ place! (See what I did there? A very poor attempt at a teacher joke!) 

This set of differentiated worksheets contains a variety of questions to provide teachers with a snapshot of how well students can understand concepts relating to various angle types. The pack contains three differentiated two-page worksheets that increase in difficulty.

Some of the concepts addressed in this differentiated worksheet pack include:

  • Naming angles by type (acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex, revolution)
  • Drawing angles by type
  • Approximating angle size
  • Identifying internal angles by type

Answers for all worksheets are also included to make marking quick and easy!

Tips for Differentiation

At Teach Starter, it’s our goal to help make differentiated instruction as easy as possible for our members! That’s why we’ve provided three differentiated versions of this two-page angles worksheet: Version A, Version B and Version C. Worksheet A is the easiest; Worksheet C is the hardest.

If you’re looking for additional ideas for both extending your high fliers and supporting your less-confident students, you might like to implement the suggestions below.

  • Extend Your High Fliers Have your more-capable students use the table from Worksheet C to create an anchor chart about a specific type of angle. Students could include information such as name, size in degrees, examples in the environment, size in relation to a right angle, and anything else relevant they can think of!
  • Support Your Less-Confident Students – Some students may require access to support materials while completing the worksheets. If this is the case, provide students with a copy of our Types of Angles Poster to help them stay on track while answering the questions.  

Easily Download These Types of Angles Worksheets

Use the dropdown menu next to the Download button to access the easy-print PDF or the editable Google Slides version of this resource.

As this resource contains an answer sheet, we recommend printing one copy of the entire file, then removing the answer pages before copying the worksheets.

Please consider printing the worksheets double-sided. The environment will thank you for it!

This resource was created by Caitlyn Phillips, a Teach Starter collaborator.

Click below for more handy resources to make teaching angles a breeze!

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