Get crafty and create a Harmony Day cown using this template.
Celebrate Inclusion with a Harmony Day Crown Printable
After talking about Harmony Day or Harmony Week, allow students time to decorate their very own Harmony Day Crown. This crown is available with the following words:
- Happy Harmony Day – Kind – Friendship – Caring – Together
- Everyone Belongs – Kind – Friendship – Caring – Together
Many schools across the country get together to celebrate our multicultural country. Why not lead the way and have your students decorate their Harmony Day Crown and sing a song or perform at the school assembly during the Harmony Week celebration?
✂️ Give Them the (Safety) Scissors
This template makes for a bonus cutting skills activity, depending on your students’ ages and abilities.
With adult supervision, cutting skills help students work multiple muscle groups and their brains, plus:
- strengthen finger and hand muscles
- build dexterity and fine motor skills
- improve hand-eye coordination
- develop focus and attention.
And all of these skills are necessary to use a pencil and a fork; button a shirt and tie shoes; write, type and swipe.
Scissor skills are brain and muscle skills!
Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students
⬇️ Use the Download button to download your copy of the black and white PDF file.
🖍️ Make copies of the crown template for your students and let them go wild with crayons, markers, or if you are brave enough, paint!
✂️ Cut out the crown and glue together.
Print on thick card for added durability and longevity.
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