teaching resource

How Living Things Survive – Teaching Presentation

  • Updated

    Updated:  26 Sep 2023

Use this 13-slide teaching presentation to teach your students about the basic needs and physical characteristics of animals and plants.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint, Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year:  5


teaching resource

How Living Things Survive – Teaching Presentation

  • Updated

    Updated:  26 Sep 2023

Use this 13-slide teaching presentation to teach your students about the basic needs and physical characteristics of animals and plants.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint, Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year:  5

Use this 13-slide teaching presentation to teach your students about the basic needs and physical characteristics of animals and plants.

What Do Organisms Need to Survive?

What do plants and animals have in common? They all have basic needs that need to be met in order to survive! These needs include air, water, nutrients/food, sunlight, and a place to live and grow. With this presentation, students will learn about certain factors, such as adaptations, that help animals survive in a particular environment.

In the presentation, students will learn about structural adaptations that:

  • allow animals to breathe
  • give animals the ability to blend in with their environment
  • deter predators
  • gather food

Students will also learn about a special process (photosynthesis) that plants carry out in order to survive.

How to Use Our Teaching Presentation in Your Classroom 

A team of dedicated, experienced educators created this resource to support your science lessons. 

🧑‍🏫 Group Lesson

Project the slides onto a screen and work through them as a class by having students record their answers in their notebooks or mini whiteboards.

🗣️ Turn & Talk 

Invite students to pair up with someone in the seat nearest to them for a 5-minute Turn & Talk. Keep students engaged and on task by directing them to focus on a specific topic, or let them freely discuss the content. Use this Turn & Talk session to encourage students to make space for each other by actively listening, asking questions, and practising empathy. 

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

Use the Download button to access the editable Google Slides version of this resource. 

This resource was created by Melissa McLaren, a Teach Starter Collaborator. 

Don’t stop there! We’ve got more activities and resources that cut down on lesson planning time:  

Image of Animal Adaptations - Worksheet Pack

teaching resource

Animal Adaptations - Worksheet Pack

Use these animal adaptation worksheets when teaching students about the structural, behavioral, and physiological adaptations of animals.

Teach Starter Publishing13 pagesYears: 5 - 6


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  • Angeline Newson

    Any chance of a powerpoint version? QLD doesn't use google drive.

    • Randi Smith

      Hi Angeline! Thanks for your comment. We have added a PowerPoint version to this resource. Have a great week!

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