A set of posters highlighting the correct way to sneeze to avoid spreading germs.
Display this teaching resource in a prominent place to highlight correct classroom hygiene practices for the students.
This educational poster can be used as part of the hygiene resource collection.
I love this poster. Is it possible to add to the poster under "catch the germs": - sneed into a tissue - sneeze into your elbow, but not your hand. It's not always possible for kids to get to a tissue in time. I think teaching kids to sneeze into their elbows is important. Thank you for all your wonderful work!
Hi Suzie, Thanks for your suggestion. Please feel free to request a resource here: https://www.teachstarter.com/request-a-resource/ Requests are voted on by the Teach Starter community. We create the top request each week. Please let me know if you have any further questions, I'm more than happy to help.