teaching resource

Letter Writing PowerPoint

  • Updated

    Updated:  16 Feb 2025

Download this letter writing PowerPoint to teach students about the purpose, audience and structure of letters through an engaging and easy-to-follow presentation.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint, Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  1 - 3


teaching resource

Letter Writing PowerPoint

  • Updated

    Updated:  16 Feb 2025

Download this letter writing PowerPoint to teach students about the purpose, audience and structure of letters through an engaging and easy-to-follow presentation.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint, Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  1 - 3

Download this letter writing PowerPoint to teach students about the purpose, audience and structure of letters through an engaging and easy-to-follow presentation.

Teach Letter Writing with a Letter Writing PowerPoint

Introduce your students to the conventions of letter writing (and there are a lot of them!) with this engaging and comprehensive slide deck. 

Over the course of 23 clear and visually appealing slides, your students will be introduced to all the fundamentals of letter writing. Your students will learn:  

  • What is a letter?
  • Why write letters?
  • What is the audience?
  • Types of letters
  • Formal and informal letters
  • Parts of a letter (heading, date, greeting, body, closing, signature, postscript)
  • Addressing an envelope

The slideshow includes multiple review activities to make sure your students are engaging with and grasping the concepts presented.

After viewing this letter writing PowerPoint, your students will be able to identify the key reasons for writing letters. They will also be able to name the most common parts of a letter and where these should be placed on paper. 

Activity Ideas to Complement This Letter Writing PowerPoint

This slide deck is an excellent starting point for teaching your students about the purpose, audience and structural elements of letters. We suggest following up this presentation with practical, hands-on activities that provide students with opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Letter Writing Stations – Set up different stations in your classroom, each focusing on a particular aspect of letter writing. For example, you could set up stations for addressing an envelope correctly, brainstorming greetings and closings, or editing sample letters.
  2. Letter Sort Activities – Provide students with mixed-up letter parts (heading, greeting, body, closing, signature). Have them sort and arrange the parts in the correct order, then paste the completed letter in their workbooks.
  3. Letter Writing Task – Have students write a letter to a real recipient, such as a pen pal, a community worker or a historical figure. Encourage students to consider audience and purpose, as discussed in the letter writing PowerPoint.

Download This ‘How to Write a Letter’ PowerPoint Presentation

This slide deck downloads as either a Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation. Use the dropdown menu on the Download button to access your preferred version. (Note: You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides presentation before accessing it.)

Project the resource onto your interactive screen and work through the slides as a class for a paperless lesson on letter writing!

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher and a Teach Starter collaborator.

Resources to Use with This Letter Writing PowerPoint

If you’re looking for activities to use alongside this letter writing presentation, then you’re in luck! Click below to review and download a selection of Teach Starter’s other letter-writing resources. 

Image of The Parts of a Letter Interactive Activity

teaching resource

The Parts of a Letter Interactive Activity

Teach the parts of a letter with this engaging interactive activity where students learn the format of a letter through sorting and labelling exercises.

Teach Starter Publishing14 pagesYears: 1 - 3
Image of 5 Parts of a Letter Cut and Paste Worksheets

teaching resource

5 Parts of a Letter Cut and Paste Worksheets

Teach the 5 parts of a letter with this set of hands-on cut-and-paste worksheets that make learning letter writing interactive and fun.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYears: 1 - 3
Image of Parts of a Letter Poster Pack

teaching resource

Parts of a Letter Poster Pack

Use this parts of a letter poster pack, featuring colourful visuals and clear explanations, to help students understand the key components of a letter.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYears: 1 - 3


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