Structure and organise your maths group rotations with our printable maths rotation display board.
Structure Your Maths Group Rotations With Ease!
Use these classroom posters during maths rotations in your classroom. Each letter in the word MATHS stands for the name of each station.
The maths station names include:
- Meet with Teacher – This is where guided maths will take place.
- At Your Desk – This is where students will work independently or with a partner.
- Technology – At this station, students will use iPads or computers for maths-related activities.
- Hands-On Activities – Students play games and activities in small groups relating to that week’s maths topic.
- Speed Maths – At this station, students work on maths mentals and quick activities to increase number sense.
Using Your Maths Group Rotation Posters
This set of posters includes a page for each rotation. They can be used in several ways.
- Print out student names and attach them on posters with velcro dots to show students which station they will work in each day.
- Laminate each poster to be written on with a dry-erase marker. Use them to explicitly explain the maths topic and activity that will be worked on at each station for the week.
Download and Print!
This resource is available as a printable PDF or editable Google Slides resource file. To get your copy, click the dropdown arrow on the download button and select your preferred file type.
This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher and Teach Starter collaborator.
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