Identify the differences between a solution and a mixture with a printable Mixtures and Solutions worksheet for year 7.
What Are Mixtures and Solutions? A Refresher
In case it has been a while, here’s a quick refresher on what mixtures and solutions are.
A mixture occurs when you combine two or more substances without creating something new. The substances retain their original properties and can typically be separated. For instance, if you mix sand and salt, you still have both sand and salt, and you can employ techniques like filtering to separate them once more.
A solution is a type of homogeneous mixture where one substance (the solute) dissolves in another substance (the solvent). The particles are mixed so well that you can’t see or separate them easily. For instance, if you mix salt and water, you have a new substance (salt water) and it is very difficult to separate the two substances once mixed.
Dive into the Difference Between Mixtures and Solutions
Using this lesson review worksheet, students will consider examples of combined materials and decide which is a mixture or a solution and why.
This worksheet is best used as independent practise as part of your mixtures and solutions science lesson. It can also be completed with a guided small group or as a whole-class activity by projecting the worksheet via Smartboard.
Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students
Because this download includes the answer sheet, we recommend you print one copy of the entire file. Then, make photocopies of the blank worksheets for students to fill out on their own.
To download your copy, click the drop-down icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource. An answer key is also included with this download.
Even More Printable Solutions and Mixtures Activities
Don’t stop there! Make sure you grab these printable resources before you go!

teaching resource
What Are Pure Substances and Mixtures? (Classroom Pack)
Explore pure substances and mixtures with a printable classroom pack that includes posters and comprehension worksheets.
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