Master decimal place value concepts with these ordering and comparing decimals year 5 task cards featuring decimals out to the thousandths place.
Enhance Decimal Understanding With These Ordering and Comparing Decimals Year 5 Task Cards
These ordering and comparing decimals year 5 task cards are a fantastic way to help students deepen their understanding of decimals up to the thousandths place. The set includes a variety of question formats, such as multiple choice, true/false and open-ended, giving students plenty of opportunities to practise. From identifying decimals that are greater or less than others to completing sequences of decimals in ascending or descending order, these task cards offer diverse challenges to support skill development. Ideal for classroom use or independent practice, this resource is designed to make learning about decimals both engaging and effective for year 5 students.
This ordering and comparing decimals year 5 task cards set includes:
- Student instructions
- 36 task cards
- Recording sheet
- Answer key
Using This Comparing Decimals Activity in the Classroom
This comparing decimals activity can be used in so many ways! Here are a few examples to get you started.
- Maths Stations – Place this resource in a maths station for students to complete independently, in pairs or in small groups.
- Guided Group Instruction – Use the questions in this resource during focused, guided group instruction.
- Independent Practice – Assign some of the cards to each student to allow them to practise independently and assess their understanding.
- ‘Scoot’ Activity – Place the cards in this ordering and comparing decimals year 5 activity around the room and give each student a recording sheet. Students ‘scoot’ from one card to the next, solving each problem as they go.
Downloading These Decimal Task Cards
These decimal task cards are easy to download and use. Just click the drop-down arrow on the download button and choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource.
This resource was created by Kaylyn Chupp, a teacher and a Teach Starter collaborator.
Additional Decimal Practice Problems
Looking for more resources with decimal practice problems to round out your decimal unit? We’ve got you covered! Take a look at the resources below.

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Comparing and Ordering Decimals Interactive Activity
Get students to compare and order decimals this supermarket-themed interactive digital resource, perfect for lesson introductions and wrap-ups.

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Comparing and Ordering Decimals Worksheets
Utilise these comparing and ordering decimals worksheets to introduce your students to multiple decimal representations.

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Comparing and Ordering Decimals Year 5 Kaboom Game
Practise comparing and ordering decimals to the thousandths place with an exciting game of Kaboom!
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