teaching resource

Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint - Persuasive Paragraphs

  • Updated

    Updated:  28 Oct 2019

A Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint presentation to use when setting up this writing strategy in your classroom.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint

  • Pages

    Pages:  26 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  3 - 7


teaching resource

Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint - Persuasive Paragraphs

  • Updated

    Updated:  28 Oct 2019

A Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint presentation to use when setting up this writing strategy in your classroom.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint

  • Pages

    Pages:  26 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  3 - 7

A Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint presentation to use when setting up this writing strategy in your classroom.

Use this Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint to implement this writing strategy in your classroom. The PowerPoint Presentation provides you with information about how to set up the Paragraph of the Week, some prior knowledge about persuasive writing and paragraphs and 15 visual writing prompts to give your students inspiration for the topic of their paragraph.

Some of the ways that you could implement the ‘Paragraph of the Week’ in your classroom include:

  •    as a homework task, providing students with a topic each week
  •    as a warm-up activity before each Literacy lesson
  •    as a settling-down activity after break time.

Click on the numbers 1-15 on slide 11 to see a different persuasive paragraph topic for each week.

Use in conjunction with 

Image of Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint - Informative Paragraphs

teaching resource

Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint - Informative Paragraphs

A Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint presentation to use when setting up this writing strategy in your classroom.

Teach Starter Publishing27 pagesYears: 3 - 7
Image of Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint - Imaginative Paragraphs

teaching resource

Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint - Imaginative Paragraphs

A Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint presentation to use when setting up this writing strategy in your classroom.

Teach Starter Publishing26 pagesYears: 3 - 7


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