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Spotty Pastel Classroom Decor Theme Bundle

  • Updated

    Updated:  12 Dec 2024

Transform your classroom with a calming Spotty Pastel Classroom Decor Theme Bundle.

  • Editable

    Editable:  ZIP, Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Years

    Years:  P - 7

teaching resource

Spotty Pastel Classroom Decor Theme Bundle

  • Updated

    Updated:  12 Dec 2024

Transform your classroom with a calming Spotty Pastel Classroom Decor Theme Bundle.

  • Editable

    Editable:  ZIP, Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Years

    Years:  P - 7

Transform your classroom with a calming Spotty Pastel Classroom Decor Theme Bundle.

Transform Your Space with  Spotty Pastel Classroom Decor 

Are you looking to create a classroom environment that’s soft, inviting, and effortlessly calming? The Spotty Pastel Classroom Decor Bundle is the perfect choice for teachers seeking a modern, calming aesthetic with playful spotted charm. This pastel classroom theme bundle includes more than 20 resources to bring your vision to life, such as:

  • Desk Name Plates
  • Display Borders
  • Themed PowerPoint Slides
  • Affirmation Posters
  • Student Awards
  • Classroom Calendar
  • Jobs Chart
  • Welcome Sign
  • Word Wall Template
  • Class List
  • Birthday Chart
  • …and many more!

spotty pastel classroom decor

Everything you need to create a pastel-themed classroom is just a click away! Your Spotty Pastel classroom decor pack is available in two easy formats: a single Google Slides Index linking to each individual resource and a downloadable ZIP file including the printables in PowerPoint format.

Creating a Pastel Themed Classroom

Ready to dive into a world of soft colours and spotty patterns? Follow these tips to build your pastel-themed classroom with ease:

  1. Make the Pastel Pop!
    Cover your boards in dark-coloured paper or fabric and frame them with pastel borders to make the spotty pastel colours pop!
  2. Pastel Teacher Decor
    Incorporate pastel desk organisers, teacher trays, and photo frames to complement your decor. You could even spray-paint your old containers and decorative elements to match your theme!
  3. Create Cozy Reading Corners
    Use soft pastel cushions or rugs in reading nooks to create a comfortable, inviting atmosphere. Add a few of our positive affirmation posters from the bundle to inspire your students.
  4. Build a Calm Down Corner – A calming corner contains tools and resources your students will find beneficial when dealing with strong emotions. Create a calming corner using the downloadable pastel-coloured calming corner decor linked below!

Pastel Classroom Display Ideas That Pop!

Kick off the school year with displays highlighting your Spotty Pastel classroom decor. Start by using dark fabric or paper as your display background. From there, the sky’s the limit on creating perfect pastel classroom displays.  Here are a few creative ideas for pastel classroom display boards:

  • “Popping Into a Great Year!” – Use pastel polka dots with each student’s name written on them. Arrange them around a bold title for a cheerful display.
  • “Spotlight on Our Class” Using our printable labels or page borders as frames, create a board featuring photos and information about your students. This would be a great way to display those ‘All About Me’ activities.
  • “Birthday Spotlights” Use our one-page birthday chart to display your students’ birthdays, or customise our page borders and create a larger display in your classroom.

More Decorations For the Classroom – Pastel Theme

Love the idea of a pastel-themed classroom? We have an array of additional pastel teacher decor printables to choose from. Make sure you check these out before you go!

Image of Classroom Expectations Posters

teaching resource

Classroom Expectations Posters

Display three of the most important classroom expectations with this set of posters.

Teach Starter Publishing5 pagesYears: 3 - 6
Image of Phonics Sound Wall Display

teaching resource

Phonics Sound Wall Display

Build a classroom sound wall to match your phonics programs and literacy progressions with a printable sound wall display.

Teach Starter Publishing27 pagesYears: F - 6

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  • Janice Teitzel

    Having the class lists on PowerPoint instead of Word is such a pain. I have wasted so much time editing!

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