A worksheet consolidating students' understanding of combining groups of items.
Students are required to add the items together and write the total on the sheet.
Updated: 01 Jun 2020
A worksheet consolidating students' understanding of combining groups of items.
Non-Editable: PDF
Pages: 1 Page
Years: F - 2
Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing
Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts
Represent practical situations involving addition, subtraction and quantification with physical and virtual materials and use counting or subitising strategies
Represent practical situations involving equal sharing and grouping with physical and virtual materials and use counting or subitising strategies
Add and subtract numbers within 20, using physical and virtual materials, part-part-whole knowledge to 10 and a variety of calculation strategies
A worksheet consolidating students' understanding of combining groups of items.
Students are required to add the items together and write the total on the sheet.
Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing
Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts
Represent practical situations involving addition, subtraction and quantification with physical and virtual materials and use counting or subitising strategies
Represent practical situations involving equal sharing and grouping with physical and virtual materials and use counting or subitising strategies
Add and subtract numbers within 20, using physical and virtual materials, part-part-whole knowledge to 10 and a variety of calculation strategies
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One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.
A fun game for students to play in small groups to consolidate their understanding of adding and subtracting in groups of 10, 100 and 1000.
One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.
One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.
One hundred and one addition flashcards with numbers 0-10.
A fun and simple adding activity to consolidate simple addition.
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A fun, interactive maths game for students to play when doubling numbers from 1 to 12.
Line the sum up with the corresponding answer.
A fun game for students to play when doubling two digit numbers.
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