Explore expanding 3 digit numbers with your students using this number expander template.
Understanding Three-Digit Place Value by Expanding Numbers
This place value number expander gives your students the tactile experience they need to expand 3-digit numbers physically. These expander templates have been a staple in many classrooms to help students understand place value and the correct way to read and write 3-digit numbers.
How To Use This Resource
- Print out a sheet of expanders for each student. Have them cut out each expander.
- Write a 3-digit number on one expander, placing each digit in a white box.
- Starting with the first white box, fold the two gray boxes behind it, accordion style. You should now have the first two white boxes side by side.
- Repeat this process for each set of gray boxes. When you are finished, you should only be able to see the white boxes forming your 3-digit number.
This resource allows students to see some of the different combinations that make your 3-digit number. For example, if your number is 982, by revealing different gray boxes, you can see that it equals:
- 982 ones
- 98 tens and 2 ones
- 9 hundreds and 82 ones
- 9 hundreds 8 tens and 2 ones
Allow students to use base-10 blocks to model each combination. This resource works well when teaching students this concept in guided math groups.
Download and Expand Today!
This resource is available to download in an easy-to-download and print PDF document.
It is strongly advised that you print and laminate these expanders – this allows students to use whiteboard markers, write numbers expand them, and then wipe numbers off and try new numbers. It is an extremely helpful tool for students to have during place-value lessons.
More 3-Digit Place Value Resources
Looking for more 3-digit resources to help students read and write numbers up to 100? We have you covered…

teaching resource
2-Digit and 3-Digit Expanded Form Interactive Activity
Use this interactive activity with your students to practice expanded form through to the hundreds place.
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