Use this online possessive pronouns game to get your students identifying and using these important parts of speech.
Looking for a Possessive Pronouns Online Game?
Making learning fun is vitally important in the early years! If you’re introducing possessive pronouns to your early years students and wondering how you’ll keep them engaged and on-task, then this digital game could be your answer!
To give your students practice with possessive pronouns, Teach Starter has created this interactive online game. The game consists of 24 questions, each containing an image of a person, several people or an object. The students must choose the matching possessive pronoun from the three options provided.
For example:
Kendra and I bought a laptop. It is ______.
Three possessive pronoun options are provided: ‘hers’, ‘his’ and ‘ours’. In this example, students would need to select the possessive pronoun ‘ours’.
If students choose the incorrect answer, they are directed to a slide that encourages them to go back and try again. If they choose the correct answer, they progress to the next question.
This resource downloads as a Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides file. Simply project the resource onto your screen and work through the slides as a class for a paperless lesson on possessive pronouns.
Multiple Ways to Play This Possessive Pronouns Game
This digital resource makes a great lesson warm-up or wrap-up activity when teaching possessive pronouns to your class. You can make the activity a little more lively by trying the suggestions below:
- Relay Race – Divide students into two teams and have them line up facing the whiteboard. Project a question slide, then allow the first two players from each team to come up and touch what they think is the correct answer. The first team to answer the question correctly wins a point for their team.
- Hot Seat – One student sits in the ‘hot seat’ with their back to the quiz slide. The rest of the class can see the question and provide clues (without saying the exact answer). The student in the hot seat has to guess the correct possessive pronoun based on the clues.
- Pass the Device – Instead of showing the quiz slides to the whole class, pass around a tablet or device with the quiz slide deck loaded. Each student answers a question and then passes the device to the next person.
Download to Teach Possessive Pronouns
Use the Download button above to access your preferred version of this resource. (Note: You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides template before accessing it.)
Be sure to operate the presentation in Slideshow mode to enable the interactive features.
This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a Teach Starter collaborator.
More Resources for Teaching Pronouns
Click below for a peek at Teach Starter’s extensive range of curriculum-aligned, teacher-created resources to use when teaching pronouns to your students!

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Pronoun Task Cards
Get your students to practise using pronouns with this set of task cards perfect for literacy groups.

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Possessive Pronouns Sorting Activity
Use this sorting activity in your grammar lessons to teach your students about possessive pronouns.

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Personal Pronouns Interactive Task Cards
Use this online personal pronouns game to get your students identifying and using these important parts of speech.
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