Assist your students to recognise and use correct end punctuation with this interactive, hands-on game.
Understanding that punctuation is a feature of written texts is a key concept of early reading and writing. Students must recognise that different types of punctuation, such as full stops, question marks and exclamation marks, indicate which sentences are making statements, asking questions, expressing emotions or giving commands.
This hands-on activity has been designed to help your students explore end punctuation in a fun and collaborative way.
How to Play
- Each player gets their own pizza board (there are six included in the resource).
- Players take turns choosing a pepperoni sentence card, identifying the punctuation mark on their game board, and covering it with the pepperoni card.
- If there are no more matching punctuation marks on their card for their sentence card, the player loses their turn.
- Play continues until all the pepperonis on the pizza are covered.
Scaffolding and Extension Tips
Challenge students who already understand the concept to use the blank pepperoni cards to write sentences to match the end punctuation on the game board.
Support students who need help understanding the concepts by using a visual reminder for end punctuation, such as a classroom poster or anchor chart.
Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students
Print on cardstock for added durability and longevity.
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This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a Teach Starter Collaborator.
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