teaching resource

Reward Tiles – Whole Class Reward System

  • Updated

    Updated:  08 Mar 2022

A reward system to encourage expected behaviors in the classroom.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  2 Pages

  • Years

    Years:  F - 6

teaching resource

Reward Tiles – Whole Class Reward System

  • Updated

    Updated:  08 Mar 2022

A reward system to encourage expected behaviors in the classroom.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  2 Pages

  • Years

    Years:  F - 6

A reward system to encourage expected behaviors in the classroom.

Class Rewards Means Collective Responsibility!

As teachers, we know that students thrive on the energy of each other. Whether that energy is positive or negative, tides in a classroom can quickly turn. Creating an environment of collective responsibility can help your classroom run smoothly.

How to Use This Class Behaviour Management System

Use this system in your classroom to track expected behaviours and reward them accordingly.

When you see the class doing something good, or they just have a brilliant day, pull a letter tile. Have the class decide where they want to place the tile. When a reward is fully spelled, they get it!

A Sustainable Solution to Behaviour Management

To make this resource sustainable: after you pull a letter tile, colour in the letter on the poster. When you need a new poster, simply recycle the old one and print off a new one. This method requires no lamination! ♻️

Before You Download

Use the dropdown menu to choose either a full colour, low colour or black and white version of the PDF. To use the low colour or black and white versions, print the pages on different coloured paper. Then, when you put a tile on the poster, the letters will be a different colour than the poster. A Google Slides version is also available which allows you to edit the words on the poster.

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